Friday, May 20, 2005

The Miller Dam. I finally reached my destination. At this point, I'm out of energy. It's a good thing learned my lesson from the last time I rode here last week. I brought snacks to eat and lots of water. The healthier the snack the better, but anything will do at this point. Now that I'm over 30, I'm not in as great shape as I was before. It's tougher now. In my 20's, I just rode up with no problem. I didn't need to bring any snacks. Now, I'll run out of gas and be in a lot of pain on the return trip home. The funny thing about biking is that you keep continuing forward because you're having so much fun. Once you turn around to go back home, you feel really exhausted. Now that I'm old, I get sore all over. Even my balls get numb after a long ride. It's much more difficult now that I'm older, which is why I need even more discipline to work even harder. Posted by Hello

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