Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Demons raping women. Hell is a scary place. Believe in God! Or else this could be your fate... for eternity. Actually Hell is worse than this. Unbelievers will be burned by an everlasting fire. Posted by Hello

Hell. This is your life without Jesus. In hell, you will be tormented forever without any clothes. Why is there so much nudity in Christian art? I wonder if a soul is killed by hell's minions, would a soul come back to be killed again repeatedly forever and ever. Yikes! In order to avoid this fate, you must keep placing your eyes on Jesus. Posted by Hello

Shame on you, Calvin! We've all seen Jesus fish, then Darwin fish with legs on car bumpers. We've seen Calvin stickers of him praying to the Cross. Then, we saw Calvin sticker's with Calvin peeing on Ford and Chevy symbols. Now, there are Calvin stickers with him peeing on Jesus fish. This is a disgrace! What sort of insults will they think of next? Actually, the picture is kinda funny. Posted by Hello

This is another funny Korean bathroom sign. Posted by Hello

A bathroom sign in Korea. This was forwarded to me by Jerri Rhee. That sign is hilarious. Posted by Hello

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Happy New Year!

This year I resolve to make some New Year's resolutions. I hope you have a great 2005!

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Les Miserables

Last night, Sarah and I went to see Les Miserables at the Pantages Theater. It was really awesome. I've always wanted to see it after listening to the CD's. I used to sing those songs all the time and now I've started singing them again at home. Poor Sarah will have to put up with my singing.

Monday, December 27, 2004


Sarah and I are back from Hawaii. We both had a great time there. Going to Hawaii was a dream come true. Unfortunately, we both caught a cold there and we're still sick. Hawaii was pretty warm for the most part. Sarah caught a cold from the air conditioner in our hotel room that was on during the night and I got the cold from her. I feel that if Sarah gets sick, then I should get sick too.

Here's a quick recap of my past week:

On Friday, December 17, 2004, I had my office Christmas party. Everyone in our office had a secret Santa. We put little gifts inside our secret pal's stockings during the couple weeks leading to Christmas. At the party, we found out who our secret Santas were and exchanged gifts. We also had a game where we fought for miscellaneous gifts that one of my coworkers brought in. I first got some nice candles but somone stole that from me. When someone steals a gift, I get to choose another gift from the pile of wrapped presents. I eventually ended up with a video of "The Terminator". That should be worth something someday, right? It has our governor starring in it, after all. Sarah also went to the party. It took her about 3 1/2 hours to get to Pechanga's from L.A. because of the traffic on Friday night. She ended up with a disposable camera that we used to take some of our pictures in Hawaii.

Sarah and I slept over in one of my co-worker's RV. It was pretty cool. I want one of those some day. It has everything a house has, except in a smaller scale.

On Saturday, December 18, 2004, Sarah and I went to my parents' place. We had BBQ steaks for my birthday dinner. I love BBQ.

On Sunday, December 19, 2004, Sarah and I went to LAX after church. We ran into a little mishap at the airport. One of the airline people at American Airlines refused to give Sarah a ticket because her legal name is Sae Jin Kim. She did not have a photo ID of her under the name of Sarah. I told them that she was the same person and that she had two names. They refused to let her in unless I paid $100 more to change the name on the ticket. I called Expedia for help but they weren't any help either. They said that I needed to buy a new ticket under Sae Jin. I asked about the ticket I bought under Sarah and they said that they would charge $100 to change or cancel a ticket. Then, I started to throw a temper tantrum. Eventually, someone with some sense at American Airlines understood that Sarah and Sae Jin was the same person and let her board.

After that incident, everything else went pretty smoothly. We saw "Elf" for our inflight movie. We started reenacting some scenes from the movie like stretching out our legs on the escalators as they went up.

I picked up a new white Chevy Cavalier at Avis. Sarah called it a "Ddong cha" because there were no power doorlocks or windows. We stayed at Ocean Resort Hotel in Waikiki. It was only 2 blocks away from the beach and we had an ocean view.

On Monday, December 20, 2004, we walked around Waikiki Beach. We did some shopping at some of the shops there. There are ABC stores located at nearly every block in Waikiki. It's so ridiculous. ABC stores are like liquor/gift stores in Hawaii. Apparently, they still do very well.

We hiked up Manoa Falls. We got bitten by mosquitos. It was really hot and humid in Hawaii while we were there.

Then, I went to Lanikai Beach. I specifically wanted to go there because it was Travel Channel's number one beach in Hawaii. It was really beautiful there. I'd like to retire early and live there.

We saw a couple free hula shows at the International Market Place too. That was cool.

On Tuesday, we drove to the North Shore in Hawaii and saw the huge waves there. We ate lunch at Turtle Bay on the beach. We drove around all of Oahu. I drove back to Lanikai Beach because I thought that was the best beach in Oahu.

On Wednesday, we went to Mandarin Oriental Hotel's Plumeria Cafe. We ate a lunch buffet there. That hotel had its own dolphin pool. We drove to the western most part of Oahu where the road ends. I felt like we were at the edge of the world. I could see where the rocks looked like they were turning into sand from the pounding waves. Then, we went to the Ala Moana Town Center.

On Thursday, we went to Hanauma Bay to go snorkeling. That was awesome. I saw a tortoise and swam along with it. We then hiked up Diamond Head and saw the nice view of Waikiki.

On Friday, we left for home.

I wish we had one month for our honeymoon.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Dreaming about Hawaii

I'm really excited about my honeymoon to Hawaii. Sarah and I are going to go on December 19 and we'll be back on December 24. I've wanted to go to Hawaii all my life. From the pictures I've seen of Hawaii, it looks like paradise. It looks like what the Garden of Eden was supposed to look like.

Tomorrow, is my office's Christmas party. We're going to have it at the Great Oak Steakhouse in Pechanga's Resort and Casino in Temecula. We went there last year. I had a lot of fun. I had some wine to drink and boy, did my co-workers notice the difference in me. They all thought that I was a lot funnier. My boss even said he wanted to put in a open bar at the office because I was so talkative and funny.

Saturday, December 18, is my birthday. I'm turning 31. I can't believe it. I just think of my 30's as my extended 20's. I still feel and act like a teenager though. I'm a 31 year old teenager. I hope I stay, look, act, and feel the same into my 90's.

Here's two guys sleeping on the lap pillow. I'm glad I'm married so that I don't need lap pillows. Maybe Santa will give these to my single pals. Posted by Hello

Here's a guy sleeping on the lap pillow. Posted by Hello

Here's the hilarious lap pillow I was talking about Posted by Hello

Japanese 'lap pillow' offers solace to lonely men


The link above goes to an msnbc article I saw on yesterday's MSN homepage. I thought that the picture with the old Japanese man sleeping on the pillow that looked like a woman's lap was hilarious. The lap pillow includes a skirt too. Ha ha ha! I wanted to post the picture but I couldn't.

The above link shows a picture of an old man sleeping on it and he looks so happy and peaceful.

Maybe I can think of crazy new inventions. My latest idea was having a car where you can cycle like a bicycle to make it go faster. It will be an option so that you can use the regular gas pedal if you get tired. You can adjust the speed and power of the cycle so that you can spin faster or slower to increase the speed. You won't have to spin impossibly fast like on a bike to go 100 mph but you will have to spin much faster. Otherwise you can set it so that you can spin at a normal rate to go cruising speed. You can have the option to turn it off and drive normally too. I thought this would be good for people like me who don't exercise anymore but want to. I thought that I could be doing this for exercise on my 3 hour, 150 mile commute everyday. What do you think of my idea? Now, you can get exercise in your car instead of going to the gym to go on one of those stationary cycles.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

First Date

I remember my first date with Sarah. We went to Buca di Beppo, an Italian restaurant, near Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica. While we were eating dinner, these waiters kept putting something next to me because our table was near some sort of divider or boundary. Those waiters reached over me to put things on it so that I had to move out of the way a few times. Sarah noticed this and asked if I wanted to move. I said that it was okay and that I didn't have to move. Then, it looked like she wanted me to sit next to her. She made some hand movements and I thought that she wanted me to sit right next to her. At the time I was sitting across from her in a table for four. I thought to myself "Wow! She must really like me!" So, I got up from my seat, walked around the table, and began sitting right next to her. She asked, "What are you doing?" Apparently, she just wanted me to move one seat over to my left side. So, I went back to my side of the table and I sat next to the edge of the table instead of the divider. Later on, she was eating a salad we ordered. She said, "I like you." Or, that's what I thought she said. Then, I replied, "Oh, I really like you too." She said, "What? I said I liked this." She meant the salad. I was embarrassed again, but we both laughed. Apparently, the noise from the people talking at the restaurant interfered with what I was hearing. Maybe I was just hearing what I wanted to hear. Most likely, I just needed a lot of improvement in the dating area. Anyway, those two precious little mistakes really helped spark a romantic interest in my relationship with Sarah. It led to a lot of fun times. I will always cherish our first date.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Wedding picture with Sarah's friends.  Posted by Hello

Engagement Dinner Party. We had dinner at a Chinese Restaurant in Koreatown in August, 2004. From top left: My sister, Christine; Sarah; Me, David; Sarah's youngest brother, Dong Hoon; Sarah's brother, Dong Hyuk; Sarah's nephew, Sung Ho (Michael); Dong Hyuk's girlfriend, Ellen. From bottom left: my mom; my dad; Sarah's dad; Sarah's mom. I pigged out at dinner as usual. Posted by Hello

Caught in the Act

I came home and what did I find? I saw Sarah playing computer games on our new computer. She's the one who kept telling me not to play any videogames because of how bad they are. She says that I get addicted to them. Well, I caught her playing those computer puzzle games that we downloaded from the internet. I guess it's okay for her to play puzzle games but I can't play Xbox games. That's totally unfair.

I also found out that she was watching Korean videos again, because she left the VCR on. She kept telling me that she had so much stuff to do and study. Tsk tsk tsk.

Maybe my laziness is rubbing off on her.

Last night, as I was coming home from work, I heard on the radio that there was an accident on the 60 freeway before the 605. I tried to avoid it by trying to take the 57 North from the 60 East. I drive by this everyday so I should know better. Unfortunately, I forgot my glasses at home. I'm blind as a bat without my glasses. I can see cars fine but I can't read any signs. For those of you who know that part of the freeway, there is no 57 North from the 60. 57 North ends at the 60. Instead I took the 57 South. I didn't realize what I was doing because I couldn't read any signs. I was in Fullerton by the time I realized I had to go back. I blame my increasing blindness to work. I stare at the computer screen for about 12 hours a day. Plus, since I'm just sitting all day and not exercising, my stomach is like a camel's hump. No wonder why all these middle aged people have so many problems. I must do something about this before I start falling apart. I thought I was going to be like Jack Lalane and be a fit old man, but I'm scared that I might not even make it to old age at this point. My body is quickly falling apart after only a couple years of work. I must retire soon for my health.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Beaten Again!

Sarah and I finally got our SBC DSL modem on Friday. We first decided to upload the photos we've received from friends who attended our wedding. We have the pictures taken at the studio too, but that will take time because we have to scan each picture before we upload them. We'll send you the pictures through our Yahoo photo album.

On Saturday, we went over to my parents' place to wash our cars and do our laundry. While we were waiting for our clothes to come out of the dryer, we played some videogames. Sarah killed me in Tetris Worlds on my Xbox. I can't believe Sarah beat me in videogames too! That's my area of specialty. Well, they were puzzle videogames. Sarah excels in puzzle games. I know I can beat her in other types of videogames. I beat her in Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball. She put up a good fight in that game though. It was pretty close. She lost to me in other types of videogames because she forfeited by refusing to play any violent games. Ah ha! That means I win!

After eating dinner at my parents' place, we rushed home so that she could study. Instead, we played some more videogames. She spanked me on those Yahoo internet games like Bejeweled 2 and Super Collapse and other puzzle games. Even though she beat me on all those games, I had a fun time playing videogames with Sarah. I've always wanted a videogame partner. It's a lot more fun than playing videogames by myself. Now, if only I can get her to play my type of Xbox games. . . That will be awesome!

I think that I'm a bad influence on her studies. I remember she used to study a lot before we got married. Now, I see her studying for five minutes and taking one hour breaks watching Korean videos. This used to be how I studied when I was in law school. I've noticed she's been snacking a lot too recently.

On Sunday, after church, we went to Sarah's company Christmas party for Sav-On. It was at CBS Seafood Restaurant in Chinatown. It's next to Philippe's Original French-Dip Sandwiches. While we were waiting there, I bumped into Michael Hong from a previous law office I used to work at, Law Offices of Jeff Mann. You never know who you might run into. It's a small world after all. I surprised him by telling him that I got married and introduced him to Sarah.

At the Sav-On Christmas party dinner, I pigged out as always. I was so full that I didn't have to eat the next morning. Sarah stuffed herself too. I need to avoid places that have lots of food, such as buffets, because I don't think I can control myself when it comes to food. I'm like goldfish. They'll eat until they explode if you keep feeding them. Even Michael Hong and Paul Lee were patting my belly saying that that is a married man's stomach. I'm officially a fatso.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Dancing Fool

Sometimes, when I'm bored, I like to dance in front of Sarah while she's studying. As some of you who went to my wedding have seen, I'm not a good dancer, but I sure do like to dance like a maniac.

Sometimes, I like to (pretend to) stripdance in front of her. I guess I should just let her study, but it's fun.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Check Mate

I was playing chess with Sarah last night. Even though I was teaching her how to play, she caught on pretty quickly. She beat me. She is now 2-0. I'm 0-2. She's much more smarter than I am. I am dumber than her. Duh. Well, I'm not a good chess player anyway. I'm just learning how to play myself. It takes me like 5 minutes to make a move, while she makes a move instantly. She kept pressuring me by counting down, "10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2. . ." I had to move and then I made a bad move. One bad move and then the whole game starts to fall apart. She was killing my guys left and right. Although I have to say that sometimes, I did coach her on what moves to make. In the end game, my king was just moving around to avoid her 2 rooks which were chasing me. . .until her pawns became queened. Then, it was all over. This happened all because of one mistake and her constant pressures to make me make a move. I should have just resigned earlier.

One time we were playing checkers and she was winning too. Then, I pretended to throw a fit and overturned the board.

She was beating me in chinese checkers as well. I just left one of my pieces there so that she could not win. Ha ha! I figured out a way to prevent her from winning by leaving a piece there. This is a good way to prevent her from taking over the board if I can see that she's winning.

She may beat me at board games, but I rule when it comes to videogames.