On Black Friday, Sarah and I went to Fry's Electronics at 6:00 am. Boy was that a mistake! There were thousands of people there. I didn't know it was going to be that crowded. I wish we just slept in. There were so many cars that were in line just trying to get in to the parking lot. We couldn't find a parking spot until we parked about a mile away on the other side of the freeway. Once we got in the store, there were tons of people in all these lines. We wanted to buy an external hard-drive and in all-in-one printer, but all the good deals were gone. We didn't want to buy items at regular price and wait in a three-hour line so we just left. The check-out line wrapped all the way around to the back of the store! Dang it!
Then, we went to Target. There wasn't a big line at all at Target because there weren't any good deals there. We also went to Bed, Bath, & Beyond and Office Depot. There weren't any good deals at all or the good ones were all sold out. I'm never going to go shopping on Black Friday ever again. It's totally not worth it. I never want to go shopping period. I'll probably have to go since Sarah will coerce me to go or drag me along.
Saturday, Sarah and I went to Whittier Narrows park with my mom and dad. Sarah went rollerblading and I took my skateboard. Afterwards we had Galbi-Korean BBQ. Then, we went to Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond again! Yikes!
On Sunday, we went to the Grove and the Beverly Center after church.
[Edit: Paragraph deleted due to censorship.]
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