Monday, November 29, 2004

Thanksgiving and its aftermath

I don't know about you, but I had a really fun Thanksgiving. I think Sarah did too.

We went to the 99 cents Only Store (hereinafter referred to as "99 cents store") again the night before Thanksgiving to get more supplies for our Thanksgiving dinner. We didn't have any big plates at the time, so she wanted to get the fancy Holiday paper plates. I wanted to get the cheaper regular paper plates because you get a lot more for the money. She convinced me to get the fancy ones because our families were coming over. That sounds so white-trashy, doesn't it?! Ha ha ha! Fortunately, while we were waiting in line to pay for our stuff, we decided to see if we could buy some real plates at Target on Thanksgiving morning, so we didn't buy the paper plates.

The Rite Aid brand bubble bath liquid really works well. At least that is almost name brand compared to the non-name brand bath liquid I got last time.

I wanted to sleep in on Thanksgiving morning, but Sarah wanted to go shopping. I think Sarah is as addicted to shopping as I am to videogames. While I was sleeping, she put her freezing cold hands on my chest to wake me up just like how those paramedics use those defibulators to give electric shocks to heart attack victims. That shock therapy really woke me up.

We woke up early to beat the holiday crowds and went to Target. Unfortunately, it was closed along with every other store. (Yes!) Sarah called and asked her mom to bring some real plates for dinner. So, in the end, we used good plates instead of paper plates for Thanksgiving.

Since all the stores were closed, we decided to go hiking. I wanted to stay home and sleep, but Sarah was bored. Why can't she just sit still and veg out like me?

We drove all the way up Angeles Crest Highway and went hiking in Charleton Flats. That was my family's favorite place to go hiking before. It was really beautiful up there. Sarah really liked the fresh air. She is very sensitive to air and spiritual things. There was some long patches of snow on the ground. We spotted some bear tracks and Sarah started getting scared. I told her that we don't have to worry if we make lots of noise as we walk since bears tend to stay away from humans. She was still worried so we started hiking back. We came across a restroom along the way and she was still scared. She wanted me to look inside the outhouse first to check if there were any bears lying in wait for any people to eat. I looked inside and there were no bears.

We stopped by my parents' house to help them with the Thanksgiving dinner. Actually, I didn't help much. I just played Halo 2 on my Xbox. I left my Xbox at my parents' home due to Sarah's protest. Sarah thought the game was too violent. In the game, you don't kill people, you just kill aliens. Even when I play games like Grand Theft Auto, I don't feel violent in real life. I'm really a peaceful, gentle, and kind person. I just like playing them because they're fun. Sarah thinks those games make me more violent. I highly disagree.

Well, my family and her family came over to our little apartment in Monterey Park and had Thanksgiving dinner together. My family brought the turkey and side dishes. Her family brought some fruit. I think it went pretty well. The only thing was that Sarah's 2 year old nephew, Sung Ho (Michael), came too. He is like Taz, the Tazmanian devil. He started running around everywhere. He ripped up my 1984 Olympics Souvenir Book too! I thought that book would bring me $100 dollars or more. Well, maybe. Since Sung Ho started ripping up a few pages, I just let him rip up the whole book. He turned it into a trillion pieces. We played this game where he buried me with pieces of the book. I was lying down on the couch and I was completely covered with bits and pieces of the 1984 Olympics Souvenir Book. At least he didn't rip up our wedding photos. I wouldn't let him do that.

We went shopping at Target and Bed Bath and Beyond in Rosemead. Sarah wanted to use up the gift cards we got for our wedding. I was basically just tagging along.

We got new cell phones this weekend too. I got a Samsung sliding camera and video phone. That phone totally rocks. It looks like a gadget from Star Trek. The only way that another phone can top this one is if it has free internet browsing. I'll be waiting for that one. Sarah has a camera phone with a flash. Now, I can upload pictures I take onto my website. Well I have to buy a link cable first. Dang! I hate having to buy so much stuff. The more stuff you get, the more stuff you need.

Sarah and I went to the Young Nak Church's servant leader dinner. I thought since we had to eat anyway, why not get a nice free meal? Chris Choi was supposed to go, but he chickened out. They gave away raffle tickets and I actually won something. I've never won one of these raffles before. Now I should start buying lottery tickets. My luck has changed. Well I won a gift certificate for In-N-Out Burgers. I actually was supposed to get a gift certificate for Baskin Robbins but some other kid took it. They gave it to another kid since I took awhile to get up to the front. I wanted that one since Sarah loves ice cream. I figured that that gift certicate was Young Nak church's wedding gift to us since I invited a bunch of people from Young Nak to our wedding but only a few people from there came.


p3lemonade said...

"Even when I play games like Grand Theft Auto, I don't feel violent in real life. I'm really a peaceful, gentle, and kind person."

David, please do not use this blog to spread your foul lies. I've been in your car before and I know your driving habits.

David Kim said...

Regarding my driving, I've always wanted to be a racecar driver. I don't think playing violent videogames have made me become a more aggressive driver. I might have always been aggressive when it comes to running, driving, and biking. Outside of the car, I'm pretty nice.