Thursday, April 13, 2006

Skate and Destroy

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These next 6 videos (or previous 6 depending on how you view them) are of me going downhill on some hills near my home. Kids, don't try this at home. Don't play on the streets. I just do this for cheap (free) thrills. I'm a thrill seeker, adrenaline junkie, and a daredevil.

There's this van in the beginning of my run that was trying to back out. It's very difficult to see because of the dark shadows on the left side.

I need to find some longer downhills. The only problem is getting to the top of the hills or getting back.

Anyway, this is a huge fun rush.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A gratuitous picture of Adriana Lima. A picture of Adriana was requested by my friend, co-worker, and avid David Kim Show fan, Mike D. He wants to marry her, because she's reportedly a virgin. She is going to be Mike D's future ex-wife.

But hey, would you guys rather see pictures of her and other hot beautiful girls or pictures of me? My blog isn't really about hot women (other than my wife). Lately, it's about my very funny movie reviews, hilarious jokes, funny pictures, and Xtreme downhill lugeboarding. Posted by Picasa


HappyEaster, originally uploaded by David Kim.

Happy Easter everybody. I'm not sure why christians named jesus' resurrection day after the pagan goddess' holiday, but Happy Eostre to you anyway!

The Easter bunny was a sacred symbol for the goddess. If you're good, then you might get an Easter egg.

Happy Eostre!

Click on the picture, title of the picture, or my name below the picture to see all my other pictures on Click on my sets or my photostream to view more.

Please leave some comments. I'm desperate for your approval. . . . .

Taking a picture of people taking pictures of the Walt Disney Concert Hall on Grand Ave. Posted by Picasa

I thought I'd take a quick picture of the Walt Disney Concert Hall on my way back to my car from the office since I saw so many other people taking pictures of it. Hmmmpphhh. . . . .tourists! Posted by Picasa

Walt Disney Concert Hall in Downtown L.A.  Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Kelly Hu: Who stole my panties and burned them in the fire?! Posted by Picasa

The Sorceress is Jabba the Hutt's slave Posted by Picasa

Kelly Hu as Cassandra the Sorceress. Don't let her outfit distract you. She can kick ass. Posted by Picasa

Lords of Chinatown

Youtube vs. vidiLife

This is the same exact video as my Lugeboarding Down Chinatown video posted below. I want you guys to tell me which video host you prefer. Both has its advantages and disadvantages. Both sites seem to have a lot of bugs lately. If one is down, I have to use the other. I try to upload my videos to both sites just in case one is screwed up. Youtube seems easier to use, but vidiLife videos seems to come out much sharper since the default screen is smaller.

Please comment below and let me know.

I also want to go to the very top of the hills in Chinatown where it's the steepest. One of these days, when I have time, I will. I'll have to avoid a lot of cars and go through a lot of stopsigns and stuff though.

Cassandra the Sorceress (Kelly Hu) Posted by Picasa

The Scorpion King: The Wrestler Formerly Known as The Rock: I'm going to kill Memnon by stretching my bow further than I've ever stretched it before! Posted by Picasa

The Scorpion King

Wrestlemania's The Rock stars as a Conan the Barbarian wannabe in the Scorpion King. The Rock wants to be an actor, but nobody takes wrestlers seriously. Wrestlers like Jesse, "The Body" Ventura can only hope to become a politician. Only doing something as well respected as professional body building can lead to a successful career as an action adventure star.

And what the heck kind of name is "The Rock" anyway? I guess it's better than "Prince formerly known as The Artist Formerly Known as Prince," but friends, just simply call me "Prince."

Even though this is a silly cheesy popcorn film, I have to admit it had lots of fun action.

The Rock is pretty much invincible in this movie. He plays Mathayus, an Akkadian assassin, who is the last of his kind. They Akkadians have adopted New Hampshire's state motto as their own, "Live Free and Die Well."

The evil king Memnon wants to rule the entire desert and the last few tribes agree to be allies in order to stop Memnon. They hire The Rock to take him out.

He goes to the fabulous city of Gomorrah and the camera pans out to show the city in all its glory.

The Rock's first attempt at killing Memnon is unsuccessful. He gets captured and they bury him in the sand. Only his head sticks out in the hot sun. Big fire ants start crawling out and start swarming over him. He starts trying to smash them with his chin and bites them and chews them out. Things look hopeless though as he is soon going to be eaten alive. The horse thief that was buried next to him, escapes using his thievery skills +1. The horse thief rescues The Rock. The Rock repays him by knocking his lights out.

Then The Rock and the horse thief go back to Gomorrah. The horse thief sees the magnificent sin city and says that there is no greater city than Gomorrah. . .except maybe Sodom.

In one scene, The Rock acts like Riddick when he kills off Memnon's soldiers one by one in the sandstorm and in the dark cave. Somehow that leather mask gives him special sand vision so he could see in the sand storm when others can not.

The Rock gets stabbed by an arrowhead laced with scorpion venom. He is saved by Memnon's half naked sorcerer, Cassandra (Kelly Hu). A boy makes a wish and throws a coin into the wishing well and Kelly Hu comes out of the water naked covered only by her hair. The boy says, "The gods be praised!"

The Rock fights Green Mile giant Michael Clark Duncan who plays Balthazar, a scar faced Nubian. Balthazar fights just as well as the Rock. The Rock earns his respect and they team up together to bring Memnon down.

The Rock loves to ride his trusty camel into battle even though they're slower than horses, because they're much smarter. The Rock kept sweet talking to his camel. I guess he liked those lovely camel humps.

Memnon is a great warrior himself. He can deflect arrows with his swords as if they were merely spit balls. But, in the end, The Rock gets so very very mad that he bends his bow back further than he's ever done before. The arrow goes so fast into Memnon's chest that Memnon couldn't even deflect it this time even with 2 swords.

The Rock becomes the new king of Gomorrah, the Scorpion King. Kelly Hu becomes his queen. The Rock asks the sorceress to use her powers to see if their kingdom of peace and free love and sex will last forever. She says that "All kingdoms will come to an end. That is the destiny of all kingdoms." The Scorpion King replies, "Then we will make our own destiny."

But, we all know what happens to his kingdom in the end. YHWH god totally destroys the wicked sin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah where free love and sex in the city streets reign. Even though it's a glorious city in man's eyes. It's an aberration in YHWH god's eyes.

The credits roll and loud crappy noise they call heavy metal music from Smackdown! starts playing. Blah!sphemy!

The Highs: Fun fighting action. The Sorceress' outfit.

The Lows: As intelligent as your typical Wrestlemania fans. (Wrestling is real, man.)

The Verdict: Conan The Rock(y) (Barbarian) lives on.

My rating: B-, 80.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Lugeboarding Down Chinatown

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Here, I go again! I'm lugeboarding down the residential streets of Chinatown. There's some pretty good hills on the top, but there's so many stop signs and bad drivers there. (Well, I usually try to blow through the stopsigns if I can.)

I hit the Honda Accord at the end of my run. It's hard to see, because of all the shadows and because the video host (vidiLife) makes all the videos much darker. You can hear me grunt a little at the end when I hit the bumper of the car, but, I'm okay. Thankfully, it was at the end of my run and not when I was going down at full speed.

We've been driving around the entire L.A. County to find a nice home to buy. All the homes are either way too expensive or crappy. A lot of times they're both. I can't believe how frustrating it is to find a decent affordable home. Who can buy a house during these times of crazy real estate prices? We're both professionals and we still can't find a decent single family home to buy. Are all the people buying homes extremely wealthy or are they all getting interest-only loans? Here's a picture of one townhome we stopped by to look at in Glendale. I thought it was one of our better prospects. It was a 3 bedroom for about $550,000. It's not that big, but it's close by the Galleria. Other townhomes are more expensive. Cheaper ones are right next to the freeway. Single family homes we've looked at are old nasty money-pits, but they're still really expensive. What should first time buyers do? Posted by Picasa

Sarah getting her hair cut on Sunday. I want her to have really long hair. She wants really short hair. I think she looks the best with long hair. Posted by Picasa

Nothing Will Be Impossible With God

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Here's a short clip of our 2nd Grade Sunday School kids singing the song, "Nothing Will Be Impossible With God". The song is about god, not Kim Possible. For some strange reason, there's a lot of people looking for bizarre lewd Kim Possible videos and pictures on my site.

We had a bunch of kids missing this past Sunday. They must be partying hard during spring break or something. I will take some more pictures of the kids when they're all here. I kinda put the kids on the spot when I videotaped them, because our kids don't really like to sing these songs that much. It's a new song. They like to sing songs that they've heard before.

They weren't very hyper because Sarah was there. Whenever she's there, the kids behave. When I'm teaching by myself, they're super hyper.

When Sarah told them to not act hyper during class, Austin "Sugarboy" said, "But I'm not acting crazy today." He's always a funny kid. When Sarah said that god has the power to heal, she asked them what powers they wished they had.

Austin said, "I wish I had super speed."

Sarah: Why?

Austin: So that I can save the world.

The kids start laughing.

Can Praying Actually Hurt Others?

In an ABC News article about a study on prayer's effects on the health of heart surgery patients, it reported that they found no effects of prayer's healing powers.

This study goes against the testimonies of thousands of people at church that say that they have been healed through the miracles of prayer. There have been many other studies in the past that have tested the effects of prayer. Some support the claim that praying can heal and other studies have found no effects. This study has found results that show that prayers can actually cause more complications to patients who know that they are being prayed for by others. I've heard of other studies that show that religious people actually live longer. What are your thoughts?

Here is the article:

Study: Prayer Won't Affect Heart Patients
by Malcolm Ritter

NEW YORK Mar 31, 2006 (AP)— Does praying for a sick person's recovery do any good? In the largest scientific test of its kind, heart surgery patients showed no benefit when strangers prayed for their recovery.

And patients who knew they were being prayed for had a slightly higher rate of complications. The researchers could only guess why.

Several scientists questioned the concept of the study. Science "is not designed to study the supernatural," said Dr. Harold G. Koenig, director of the Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health at the Duke University Medical Center.

The researchers who tested the power of prayer emphasized that their $2.4 million study could not address whether God exists or answers prayers made on another's behalf. The study could look only for effects from the specific prayers offered as part of the research, they said.

The highly anticipated study "did not move us forward or backward" in understanding the effects of prayer, said Dr. Charles Bethea, a co-author and cardiologist at the Integris Baptist Medical Center in Oklahoma City. "Intercessory prayer under our restricted format had a neutral effect."

Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard Medical School, co-principal investigator of the study, agreed. "We cannot come to a conclusion, except to say that by this study design, with its limitations, this is what we found."

The researchers also said they didn't know why patients who knew they were being prayed for had a higher rate of complications than patients who only knew that such prayers were a possibility.

Maybe they became anxious by the knowledge that they'd been selected for prayers, Bethea said: "Did the patients think, 'I am so sick that they had to call in the prayer team?'"

The researchers said family and friends shouldn't be discouraged from telling a patient about their plans to pray for a good recovery.

Experts called it the largest and best-designed study ever to test the medical effects of intercessory prayers praying on behalf of someone else. That's different from studying the effect of a person's prayers and spiritual practices on his or her own health; many studies of that have shown a positive effect.

The new study followed about 1,800 patients at six medical centers. It was financed by the Templeton Foundation, which supports research into science and religion, and one of the participating hospitals. It will appear in Tuesday's issue of the American Heart Journal.

The research team tested the effect of having three Christian groups pray for particular patients, starting the night before surgery and continuing for two weeks. The volunteers prayed for "a successful surgery with a quick, healthy recovery and no complications" for specific patients their identities known only by first name and first initial of the last name.

The patients, meanwhile, were split into three groups of about 600 apiece: those who knew they were being prayed for, those who were prayed for but only knew it was a possibility, and those who weren't prayed for but were told it was a possibility.

The researchers didn't ask patients or their families and friends to alter any plans they had for prayer, saying such a step would have been unethical and impractical.

The study looked for any complications within 30 days of the surgery. Results showed no effect of prayer on complication-free recovery. But among patients who did receive prayers, 59 percent of the patients who knew they were being prayed for developed a complication, versus 52 percent of those who were told it was just a possibility.

Paul Kurtz, professor emeritus of philosophy at the State University of New York at Buffalo, and chairman of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal, had a blunt response when asked why he thought the study found no effect of prayer.

"Because there is none," he said. "That would be one answer."

He added that while he tries to keep an open mind, he's seen no good evidence for such an effect in past studies. The new work, he said, "gives added emphasis to those who have been skeptical."

Koenig, of Duke University Medical Center, who didn't take part in the study, said the results didn't surprise him.

"There are no scientific grounds to expect a result and there are no real theological grounds to expect a result either," he said. "There is no god in either the Christian, Jewish or Muslim scriptures that can be constrained to the point that they can be predicted."

Within the Christian tradition, God would be expected to be concerned with a person's eternal salvation, he said, and "why would God change his plans for a particular person just because they're in a research study?"

Dr. David Stevens, executive director of the Christian Medical and Dental Associations, said he believes intercessory prayer can influence medical outcomes, but that science is not equipped to explore it.

"Do we control God through prayer? Theologians would say absolutely not. God decides sometimes to intervene, and sometimes not," he said.

As for the new study, he said, "I don't think … it's going to stop people praying for the sick."

Friday, April 07, 2006

A History of Violence Posted by Picasa

A History of Violence

I'm a nice family man. Don't piss me off. Don't make me go violent on your ass.

Viggo Mortenson stars as Tom Stall, a nice quiet peace loving family man. He has a lovely lawyer wife and two great kids. They live in a small town in Indiana where everybody knows everyone else's names.

One day, 2 cold blooded killers come in to Tom's diner and cause trouble. One thug grope's his waitresses breasts and points a gun to her head. Tom instinctively turns violent and kills them. He becomes a local hero and is on the news. Tom doesn't want the attention. He says anyone would have done the same thing if they were in the same situation.

Later, a mafia crimelord and his posse come to his diner and say, "Where've you been Joey?" Tom says he's not Joey and has never been to Philly. Tom starts getting paranoid when he sees the mafia's black car again the next day. The mafia guys show up once more and drive up to his house in an appropriate gangsta car, the Chrysler 300C. The mafia thugs kidnap his teenage son and tells Tom to get in the car. Tom goes into killer mode and kills the bodyguards, but he gets shot. Tom lies on the ground and is about to be killed by his old archenemy, the mafia boss with the jacked up eyeball, when his teenage boy suddenly shows up and shoots the badguy with a shotgun. Like father, like son.

Apparently, Tom really did have a hidden past. He used to be Joey Cusack, a former Hitman. His wife is really upset because he has never told her and feels like she's been living a lie all these years. His son is starting to disrespect his old man now too. (I really hate teenagers. That's why I don't want to have any bratty kids.)

Tom's wife slaps his face, and the old Joey starts coming out again. He rapes his wife on the staircase, but then it looks like she still had a happy ending. Later she walks by naked without saying a word, because she's still pissed at him. Then, his brother calls. He says, "Are you going to come and visit me or do I have to go visit you?" So, Tom/Joey goes to visit him. His brother is also a mafia crime boss living in a mansion. He kisses Joey and says why haven't you called me, bro? You've cost me a heck of a lot when you ripped the nasty mafia boss' eye out with barbed wire and ran off. You cost me a lot! Then, his brother tells his henchman to kill his own brother. Tom/Joey destroys them all and shoots his brother's brains out.

He goes back home during dinner time. His wife starts praying. Everyone is silent. Then, his little girl sets a dinner plate for him. Tom sits down. Fin.

I thought this was a very good psychological thriller. It makes you think about the cost and the effects of violence in a man and his family's life. The music was appropriately moody and tense. The acting was great. You can really see the stress that went on in the family.

I can't believe they just had sex on the stairway like that. What if the kids walked in on them. That would cause more trauma to the children than any violence they would ever witness!

Also, there was one moment of overacting by Tom's wife when she found out that Tom really was a Hitman before. She started throwing up right when she heard him confirm that. Would that happen? Maybe women really do get that upset.

I would be proud of what the son did to that high school bully. Reminds me of myself. When some @##hole kept picking on me, eventually I would crack and beat the $hit out of him. Which is exactly what the son did. I guess anger, violence, and fighting abilities are genetic. The kid looked like a wuss, but he can pack a wallop. That's my boy. You've got to watch out for lawsuits though.

The Highs: Great acting, very tense. A good in depth psychological study of violence and its effects on people.

The Lows: Hella boring beginning, especially the first scene where the bad guys talk in their car.

The Verdict: Don't get my daddy mad, or he'll take you out.

My rating: A, 91.