Thursday, May 26, 2005

The Seal Beach Pier. Posted by Hello

The River's End Cafe. Posted by Hello

Finally, I've reached the River's End to Seal Beach.  Posted by Hello

The ride to Seal Beach was another great epic and scenic ride.  Posted by Hello

Bridges of Los Angeles County. Can you see my bike? My bike is in the background of every picture. You have to look hard to find it. Just kidding. Anyway, thanks to Andy Nagai for showing me the path to Seal Beach. It's a great road bike ride. It's part of the same bike path system that I used to go on my previous road bike trips that I've written about below. Posted by Hello

I took this on 5/25/05 on my bike trip to Seal Beach from my place. It was another ride that was over 65 miles round trip. Anyway, what were the restaurant owners thinking? My Dung?!! I'm never going to eat at that place. I'm suprised this restaurant even got a "C". Like I said before, people need to conduct some market research before they finalize the name of their business. This place sounds just as bad as that Vietnamese Pho place, "Pho King".  Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Mothers are against everything these days. I love violent videogames. I admit that I'm addicted to videogames. I want to stop, but they keep making them better and more fun. It's impossible to stop. Posted by Hello

Friday, May 20, 2005

Interesting Desert Plant/Tree

Although I don't know the name of this plant, it's pretty cool. If you know the name of it, let me know and I'll post it up. There are a bunch of these near the Santa Fe Dam Nature Center. They're pretty tall. Anyway, I uploaded this picture to a new account since I've used my entire bandwidth on my other account already. My new account is: My first account is You can click on this picture or links below the picture to see more pictures of my bike trip that I've uploaded. This way I can share more pictures without using too much of this blog site's space. only lets me upload about 20 megs a month. Otherwise, I would have to pay for an upgraded account. Forget that.

Resting at the Bosque de Rio Hondo on my way back home.  Posted by Hello

Crystal Lake. I wish you could have been there with me to experience this great bike trip. It was a fantastic ride with lots of great things to see.  Posted by Hello

Water rushing out from the Miller Dam. At this point, I have major saddle sore. I thought I would be young and healthy forever. I just can't believe things go downhill so fast after you reach 30. At least I still look and act young. I wonder how long that will last. Posted by Hello

The Miller Dam. I finally reached my destination. At this point, I'm out of energy. It's a good thing learned my lesson from the last time I rode here last week. I brought snacks to eat and lots of water. The healthier the snack the better, but anything will do at this point. Now that I'm over 30, I'm not in as great shape as I was before. It's tougher now. In my 20's, I just rode up with no problem. I didn't need to bring any snacks. Now, I'll run out of gas and be in a lot of pain on the return trip home. The funny thing about biking is that you keep continuing forward because you're having so much fun. Once you turn around to go back home, you feel really exhausted. Now that I'm old, I get sore all over. Even my balls get numb after a long ride. It's much more difficult now that I'm older, which is why I need even more discipline to work even harder. Posted by Hello

The winding river. This would be a great place to go white water rafting. I don't think they allow it though. I've always wanted to go rafting. I don't see anybody in the river. Anyone want to go white water rafting with me someday? Posted by Hello

Overlooking the Azusa River on top of Chapman Canyon. The ride up is a great work out. Your reward will be a fast downhill ride. I go over 30 mph downhill here. It's pretty fun. The fastest I've gone was over 50 mph on a hill on Genessee in San Diego going north towards La Jolla. I haven't found to many side trails here like in Angeles Crest. I used to go mountain biking there all the time afterschool in La Canada. Posted by Hello

Here's a shot of the Amazing Azusa River. The color of the river is beautiful turquoise. Unfortunately, there's no bike path once you're in the Angeles National Forest. Watch out for cars. Hopefully, cars won't sideswipe you as you ride up. Posted by Hello

My bike taking a break along the river. Posted by Hello

Taking a break along the Azusa River.  Posted by Hello

At the Santa Fe Nature Center. Instead of admiring and reading about the various plant life here, I just like to zoom through. It gives me a great sensation of speed. Posted by Hello

This is a picture taken atop the Santa Fe Dam. You can still see snow on top of the mountains in the background. The bike path is right on top of the dam and circles around for miles. It's road bike heaven up here. Posted by Hello

You can see a lot of horses along this bike path. There are also ponies, cows, goats, chickens, and roosters here. I saw some goats one time just freely grazing along the grass along the river. I didn't see anyone watching out for them. I could have gotten myself some goat milk. Watch out for horse crap along the bike path. You have to breathe through your mouth too, because it stinks around here. What sucks is that horse owners don't let bikers on hiking and horse trails, but they freely ride their horses along the bike paths and let them crap all over the place. Horses and cows seem to just stand there and do nothing for hours. They don't even acknowledge me as I wave to them or say hi to them. I guess they're depressed because they're locked up. Posted by Hello