Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Sarah and her friend. Posted by Hello

Han Lee. He works for Pandemic Games. He made games like Full Spectrum Warrior and Star Wars Battlefront. That's hot. Posted by Hello

Tony Koo at the picnic. He's pretty tall. He teaches 3rd graders at BSBC Sunday School. Sarah and I teach 2nd graders. He gets our kids after they had us. He says our kids our wild and hard to control. Posted by Hello

I need to go to the bathroom so bad. Posted by Hello

Me and some of the church kids. I ate so much food, but I had to hold off going to the bathroom because I can't use dirty public restrooms. Posted by Hello

Here's Sarah barbequing Korean Ribs (Galbi) at the Berendo Street Baptist Church picnic. This was on Sunday, May 15, 2005 at Whittier Narrows Recreation Park in South El Monte. As always, I overate. Posted by Hello

Monday, May 16, 2005

After the ceremony, we headed off to dinner with our parents in Ktown.  Posted by Hello

I took a lot of pictures on my digital camera. If you want all the pictures I took of Sarah with her friends, then e-mail me. I'll send you an email to see the pictures that are uploaded on my Yahoo Photo Album. Posted by Hello

Here's our family celebrating at her graduation. Posted by Hello

Here comes the graduate. Posted by Hello

I wanted to wear shorts and a t-shirt, but I felt that I needed to wear a suit. I hate sweating in my suit though. Feels nasty. Posted by Hello

USC. Go Trojans! The commencement speaker was Tommy Lassorda from the L.A. Dodgers. He said that the reason why there are so many guys named Tony in New York is that because there were a lot of people from Italy who were headed "To NY" and they put "To NY" signs on. Posted by Hello

I went crazy yelling and cheering for Sarah when they called her name. As her husband, it was my duty. Posted by Hello

Sarah's Graduation from USC School of Pharmacy. Friday the 13th, May, 2005. Everything went well. It was a hot day though. Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 12, 2005

This motorcycle is funny and fun to ride. (Picture Deleted due to censorship.) I want to get a Ninja or Suzuki GSXR. I think this motorcycle will get a lot more attention though. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Got pooped on

For Mother's Day, Sarah and I went to the downtown Flower Mart to buy roses for our moms. We woke up at 4:00 am to get flowers. I think we got some good deals there. We got fresh roses at wholesale prices. Sarah also bought some fancy silver keychains for our moms too.

On Saturday, we took my mom to International Buffet. We ate some good Chinese food there. I overstuffed myself as usual. Sarah says that my belly is starting to look like E.T.'s belly.

Later that evening, we went to Pastor Iris' house in South Pasadena. She threw a graduation party for graduating students who attend Berendo Baptist Church. Sarah is graduating from USC School of Pharmacy on Friday, May 13, 2005. Friday the 13th! I'm sure it will all go smoothly.

We ate BBQ Galbi and I overate there too. Later on, we had Karaoke. I sang like a maniac. I should get my own album like William Hung from American Idol. He's a disgrace to the Asian race, by the way. But, he sells albums. I would have sung much better if I had a few drinks, at least in my mind, but there was no alcohol since it was a church event.

We went to Sarah's mom's place on Sunday and gave her mom her gifts after church. When I got home, I saw that I had bird poop on my shirt. I wondered how long was that crap on my shirt before I noticed it? I hope I wasn't crapped on before I got to church. Dang birds! Why'd God have to create birds to be bombers? Why couldn't he make birds sit down and poo like all the other animals?

Friday, May 06, 2005

Addicted to Korean videos

Sarah and I have been watching a lot of Korean videos lately. The best part is that they're free now due to the miracles of the internet. If you like to watch Korean videos, you should definitely try watching them online if you have broadband. We go to KBS.co.kr. Go to the drama section. We've been watching "Yul Yuh Duhl/Soo Mool Ah Hope", "Yong Suh", "Yuh Yeh Beun Dhang Shin", and now we're watching "Loveholic". They're addicting for some reason. I know Sarah is addicted to them. She needs to study for her boards though. I used to be addicted to them when I used to watch all of Kim Hee Sun's mini-series. Now, I like to watch Star Wars fan films on www.atomfilms.com and www.ifilm.com. Good sites to watch videos of videogames are www.gamespot.com and www.g4tv.com. Those gaming sites have a lot of good information. You can download demos of cool games from www.happypuppy.com. You can watch the latest episodes of the animated films of the Clone Wars on StarWars.com. Feel free to leave comments. You don't have to register to leave comments. Thanks.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Funny jokes

Here are a some jokes to make you laugh:

1. A married couple went to the hospital to have their baby delivered. Upon
their arrival, the doctor said he had invented a new machine that would
automatically transfer a portion of the mother's labor pain to the baby's
father. He asked if they were willing to try it out.

They were both very much in favor of it, and agreed.

The doctor set the pain transfer dial to 10% for starters, explaining that
even 10% was probably more pain than the father had ever experienced
before. But, as the labor progressed, the husband felt fine and asked the
Doctor to go ahead and bump it up a notch.

The doctor then adjusted the machine to 20% pain transfer. The husband was
still feeling fine. The doctor checked the husband's blood pressure and was
amazed at how well he was doing.

At this point, they decided to try for 50%. The husband continued to feel
quite well.

Since it was obviously helping out his wife considerably, the husband
encouraged the doctor to transfer ALL the pain to him. The wife delivered a
healthy baby with virtually no pain. She and her husband were ecstatic!

When they got home, they found the mailman dead on their porch.

Joke submitted by Hugh O'Mara.

2. Here's another joke along the same line:

A man was ecstatic that today was his last day to pay child support, because it was his son's eighteenth birthday. He called his son to come over and pick up the check and give it to his mother. The son came over and the father told his son to ask his mother when he hands her the check how she felt knowing that this was the last child support payment. The son went home to his mother and said to her, "Dad wanted to know how you felt knowing that this was the last child support payment you're going to receive." The mother told the son to go back to his father with her reply. The son went to his father and repeated what his mom wanted him to say. The son said, "Mom wanted to know how you felt knowing that you were never my real father."

3. What do you call two Mexicans playing basketball? Juan on Juan.

4. Some Korean people who visited my site have commented that my site is too simple and not as cool as cyworld.com. My response is that my blog is easy to view for everyone. It's easy to see the latest updates and view archives. Even though it may not be as fancy as other websites, it is still fun.

5. I need to start exercising more. I used to be able to do 60 situps in 60 seconds. Now, I do about 60 situps per year.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Mountain biking totally fulfills my need for speed. I love rushing downhill on windy singletrack. It's totally like riding on a rollercoaster. I get a good workout biking uphill. After I reach the top, my reward is a nice long fun downhill ride. I need to ride even more now since age is catching up to me. It's really tough to get rid of my camel-hump belly. I'm kinda like a camel. I can go on for a long time without food. Then, once I reach an oasis, I totally pig out. I know it's not healthy. At least I can survive out in the wilderness for a long time. Mountain biking also fulfills my need for adventure, freedom, and travel. I get to explore cool places. Plus, I get good exercise. I even love racing against cars in busy traffic. I used to beat cars in Ktown. I love the feeling of passing cars. I feel good when I pass everyone who are stuck in traffic. It's kinda dangerous riding there, but it's like the thrill of running with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain. It's a total rush passing cars going over 30 mph in traffic. There are also a lot of cool little getaways that few people know about right here in LA and it's accessible on your bike. You could be overlooking great views of LA only a mile or two from the rest of civilization. It's amazing how there's so few people up there when it's so overcrowded in the city. I just open my map and choose a place that might have good trails. Then, I just bike there. Every town has something cool to see. In conclusion, everyone should bike. Thanks for reading. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I firmly believe that everyone should bike. The world would be a much better place to live in if we all biked. People would be healthier, because they'd exercise more. They would feel better about themselves since they'd be in better health. And since they'd feel better, they'd be happier and would treat others better. Then, everyone would start being more friendly. The world might actually become a great place to live in. There would also be less pollution because we would rely less on cars. There'd be less traffic too, which would decrease the amount of road rage and shootings. Biking can change the world. Posted by Hello