Friday, November 19, 2004

Sarah's hogging the blanket!

Sarah's nightmares seemed to have subsided. Now, I guess she just has bad or unpleasant dreams and not scary ones. She must have had one last night because she started gathering up the whole blanket. She just piled the whole blanket on herself. I was left uncovered. It was kinda' funny actually.

I need to start exercising and doing sit ups again. Ever since I started working at my current workplace I haven't done anything. Yesterday, I went to lift up a box and my pant button went flying. I'm going to have Sarah sew it back on. Hopefully, it won't pop out again. When did I start getting so fat?! It's a good thing the zipper was tight and didn't come down. Otherwise I would have had to go home because of my pants.

My friend, Bobby Chen, got Halo 2. I want to play that game so bad. I have to get it.

Traffic is killing me now that I'm driving home earlier. It takes me at least 1 1/2 hours to get home. Friday nights take me 2 hours. I need to get a motorcycle. I know I've been saying that for years now, but I'm sure that's the only way people can get around in 10 years. I'll get one when we buy a home with a garage. Hopefully, I won't be old and retired by the time I can afford a house.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Sarah has nightmares

Sarah is much better today. Thank goodness. I was really worried about her health.

Now, the other thing I'm worried about is that she's having nightmares every night. She thinks it's due to evil spirits in the room. I hope that the evil spirit she's talking about is not me.

I think it's because she doesn't rest her head on her pillow. Sometimes, when I have nightmares about falling, my head is tilted back. I don't know. It's just my theory.

What can we do to get rid of her nightmares?

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Sarah is sick

Sarah was really sick this morning. I am worried. What can I do as a husband to make her feel better? I wish I could stay home and take care of her but I had to go to work and so did she. I wish we didn't have to work.

I guess work is a necessary evil for most people to support themselves and their families.

I hope Sarah gets better by the time I get home.

Monday, November 15, 2004

I'm happily married!

Dear Friends,

How are you all doing? I just want to tell everyone that I'm happily married. Now that Sarah and I are done with preparing for the wedding and all, I've decided to waste all my time on blogging and creating a webpage for Sarah and me. While I was searching for a free webpage to post our wedding pictures, I came across blog sites. I decided to join the blogging craze and post some of my own thoughts with you people. I thought this would be a good way to keep in touch with my friends. Since it's getting harder to meet everyone in person nowadays, I guess the best way to keep in touch now is through cyberspace.

I was very happy to see so many of my friends at my wedding. Thank you all for coming. I would have liked it if we could have spent all night talking and celebrating that day. I heard a lot of people left before it ended. For those of you who left early, you should have stayed longer. Once I get my wedding photos developed, I put them on my website. I also want to get a digital camera to post my pictures up and share with you.

Sarah and I are having fun unpacking and organzing our apartment. Now, our apartment is pretty nice compared to when we first moved in and had boxes everywhere. Hopefully, we'll have our house warming party soon and you guys can visit us.

Married life is a lot of work but it's fun. Sarah and I cook breakfast and dinner together. She usually packs me a nice lunch too. I used to be so lazy when I was single and living at home. Ever since I got married I've been more diligent than I have ever been in my whole life. No more videogames for me. Sarah doesn't allow videogames anyway. I'm hoping to change her mind about that. I hope she becomes more understanding. Everybody has their vices. Videogames are just one of mine.

Now that I've moved to Monterey Park, my commute to work has gotten a little bit longer. I'm driving a little over 150 miles per day/round trip. I love driving, but it's getting to be very tiring. I rack up 50,000 miles per year. I think I spend about $5,000/year on gas. I'm crazy.

Thanks for reading,
