Have you ever noticed that when you're in a public bathroom trying to poo that you try to fart as silently as possible? And when you're at home alone you try to fart as loudly as possible? Well, that's true for me. I try to fart as loud as I can in front of Sarah. If she doesn't acknowledge my fart, then I try to fart more loudly the next time. When I'm using the bathroom at work, I try to do SBD's (Silent But Deadly's) or Ninjas (Silent Assasins). I don't want my co-workers reporting to others about how loud I fart in the bathroom. Usually we try to keep our bowel movements to ourselves. What ever happens in the bathroom stays in the bathroom. Guys try to avoid any eye contact in the bathroom too.
I just got a new digital camera and a video camera. Stay tuned for video blogs. That should be really exciting! Hopefully, I can learn how to do quickly. If you can give me some tips on how to do it, I'd appreciate it. I'll try to make it as interesting as possible without embarrassing myself or Sarah too much. This should be much better than my sad attempts at audioblogging. I thought that was a good idea at first, but since I'm so self-conscious about how I sound on recordings, I think it turned out to be a flop. What'd you guys think?
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