Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Lugeboarding Los Angeles

I'm at it again on my lugeboard going down the 6th Street offramp in Downtown Los Angeles. It's not the fastest or most exciting video, because I was carrying a bunch of stuff in one hand and holding the camera in the other. Plus, I'm a little bit rusty since I didn't longboard in a long time.


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty impressed that you were able to make it down the street all in one piece while holding a video camera and other things. It would have been better if there was a dramatic wipe-out at the end. JUST KIDDING. ;)

David Kim said...


If you want to check more of my skateboarding videos, you can do a search up on top with the keywords, "skateboard" or "longboard".

Check out this video of me if you want more drama. It's called Xtreme Downhill Skateboarding.