Saturday, February 05, 2005

Princess Pepper is making sure everyone is properly doing their work. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Sarah, her youngest brother, her nephew, and me after we came back from Hawaii. I wanted to give my nephew the same shirt but they didn't have it in his size. We got him a different Hawaiian shirt instead. This was taken on Christmas. Aloha.Posted by Hello

I saw Jesus in Hawaii. He got leid too. Posted by Hello

On top of Diamond Head Crater overlooking Waikiki. We could have gotten certificates for completing the hike for $2, but I thought I didn't need them. I'm going to make my own certificates. Posted by Hello

Sarah and me at Hanauma Bay in Oahu. I had to get those t-shirts because they look like pictures of baby Pepper. It was cool swimming with those fish. It looked like a giant aquarium. I also got to swim with a big tortoise. I wanted to show it to Sarah but it swam away.  Posted by Hello

My mom, Sarah, me, and my dad celebrating my b-day/Xmas. We've always combined the 2 days because it was more economical. If you look closely, you can see the Ghost of Christmas Future in the picture. Posted by Hello

Hey, here's my wife, Sarah to celebrate my b-day. Posted by Hello

Happy B-day to me. I'm 31 now. It's my party and I can cry if I want to. Nah, I don't feel like crying. Posted by Hello

This is Phil and his wife, Susie, and his son, Jeren. Phil wanted to see pictures of himself so I've posted them. I'm going to post more pictures of him once I find those old pictures we took together when we were at UCSD. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Here's Pepper observing a ceremony in honor of our grandparents. She was the best dog in the world. Posted by Hello

David M. Kim, Attorney at Law. I'm here to fight for you! Posted by Hello

Here is a picture of the late Princess Pepper. I know that Pepper is watching over me from heaven. This picture was taken by my sis. Posted by Hello

Thursday, January 20, 2005

This is Rev. Park from BSBC. He married Sarah and me. Where'd we be without him? Posted by Hello

Berendo Street Baptist Church. I got this from the church's website: This is the church Sarah and I go to. I started going to her church, because she taught Sunday School. Now, I'm her T.A. I used to go to Young Nak before. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Michelango's David. Do you think that his statue would be better if he was clothed? Why did he have to be naked? If this is okay for King David, should I get a statue of myself in the nude? Posted by Hello

Demons raping women. Hell is a scary place. Believe in God! Or else this could be your fate... for eternity. Actually Hell is worse than this. Unbelievers will be burned by an everlasting fire. Posted by Hello

Hell. This is your life without Jesus. In hell, you will be tormented forever without any clothes. Why is there so much nudity in Christian art? I wonder if a soul is killed by hell's minions, would a soul come back to be killed again repeatedly forever and ever. Yikes! In order to avoid this fate, you must keep placing your eyes on Jesus. Posted by Hello

Shame on you, Calvin! We've all seen Jesus fish, then Darwin fish with legs on car bumpers. We've seen Calvin stickers of him praying to the Cross. Then, we saw Calvin sticker's with Calvin peeing on Ford and Chevy symbols. Now, there are Calvin stickers with him peeing on Jesus fish. This is a disgrace! What sort of insults will they think of next? Actually, the picture is kinda funny. Posted by Hello

This is another funny Korean bathroom sign. Posted by Hello

A bathroom sign in Korea. This was forwarded to me by Jerri Rhee. That sign is hilarious. Posted by Hello