Saturday, April 09, 2005

Sorry it took so long to post these pictures. We got our pictures about a couple months after the wedding. Then, Sarah took a couple months to decide which pictures to put in our wedding album. And then it took another couple months to get those pictures back from the photographer. Now, I'm finally posting some of the pictures up. Actually, it's pretty tiring scanning all these pictures and uploading them. I think I've had enough. I'm going to just load up pictures from a digital camera from now on. Posted by Hello

Here's Tony Teang, the one who caught the garter, and Sarah's friend, the one who caught the bouquet. I hope they get married soon and find happiness. -Not to each other. . .unless they want to. Anyway, I know Tony wanted to see this picture. Posted by Hello

The bride and bridesmaids. Posted by Hello

Here's a funny picture. I don't know what kind of pose the photographer was thinking of. Posted by Hello

Sarah and my sister, Christine. Posted by Hello

The guys. Posted by Hello

Don't ask about what's going on in this picture. Posted by Hello

I'm always acting weird. I've always wanted to kiss like that. Posted by Hello

We're doing the Korean Tea Ceremony. Posted by Hello

The Sunday School Body Worship Team performing at our wedding. Posted by Hello

With Sarah's Sunday School Kids. Posted by Hello

The obligatory kissing pose. Posted by Hello

Our friends at our wedding. Posted by Hello

If you haven't guessed already. All these pictures are of Sarah and me. Posted by Hello

I'm always trying to kiss Sarah. Posted by Hello

Sarah and I again. Posted by Hello

We're happy. I know I am. I feel like I'm married to Miss Korea. Posted by Hello

Here's Sarah looking at me. Posted by Hello

Here's me looking at Sarah. Posted by Hello

Here are some wedding photos taken by Sky Photography.  Posted by Hello