Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Sex and Church

These days kids are having way too much sex. Even the church is not immune to the adultery epidemic that is happening in our society today. I remember one time when I was at Young Nak Presbyterian Church (the biggest meat market church in LA) these girls were talking behind me. We were having a joint worship service with the English ministry's young adult, college, and high school department. While I had my eyes closed trying to meditate on god before the worship service began, I overheard the following conversation by a group of some high school looking girls:

"So, did you do him?"

"How was it?"

I thought to myself, "What the hell is going on!?"

Another time, when I was at Oriental Mission Church (OMC), there was this scandal where this guy kept trying to sleep with every girl at church. Two of the girls reported that they had been deflowered by the lascivious Don Juan to the minister. That Casanova Frankenstein got excommunicated from the church.

Another time at church, this guy told one of his buddies, "All I want to do is have sex with girls." So, profound. These guys that go to church on Sundays-late morning or afternoon service are the same ones that go clubbing on girls on Saturday nights.

I suggest that we force these kids to wear a big Scarlett Letter "A" for Adultery around their necks like back in the puritan times. Let them feel the burn of shame as they hang their heads low! Well, knowing kids today, that red letter A might become a fashion trend like hip hop gangstas.

Things have changed a lot since I was in high school. Times have changed a lot. I was really innocent back then. I just stayed home watching tv on Saturday nights and played videogames on my Commodore 64.

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