Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I'm Sick Again

This year, we had a really mild winter in L.A., so I thought I had managed to get through this winter without getting a cold or flu, but, alas, it isn't so. I usually get the cold or flu at least once every year. Well, these past couple of days in March had been really cold so it lowered my immune system. I'm still trying to tough it out at work. That's how I am. I had perfect attendance when I went to school and I want to keep it that way. This cold medicine is putting me to sleep though. I'm going in and out of consciousness. This has been like the third week in a row I haven't been feeling well. A couple of weeks ago, I got alcohol poisoning from drinking too much at the office party. Then, I got food poisoning the following week. Now, I'm just plain sick. Blah!

I've been having weird dreams lately that seem so real to me. In one of my dreams, Sarah and I were at a very large park. There were hundreds of Mexican chicano gangbangers and they wouldn't let us go. I had to fight them all. Somehow, we escaped and went to my old house in La Canada. There were tons of gangsters there too. We went inside our home, and they started breaking the door down. I called 911, but the cops were taking too long to come as usual. I had to fight them again. I was getting tired and somehow, I used my magic powers to blow all of them up. Maybe, I dreamed about that after I saw all these gangster looking guys at the bowling alley this past weekend looking at me in a way I didn't like. Their mean looks pissed me off, and I peeled away from the bowling parking lot and drove home like a maniac. That didn't make Pastor Iris and my wife happy.

I'm taking Prometh for my cold. It causes drowsiness. I went to Starbucks and got some free coffee during their annual coffee break giveaway. I drank 2 large cups of coffee. Now, I'm feeling totally weird. My head feels like it's full of helium. My head feels detached from my head. My hands are shaking a lot. It's pretty weird and interesting.

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