Monday, March 13, 2006

Sarah Scores a Strike!

Here's a clip of Sarah scoring a strike and I called it!

For some reason, the videos become really dark when I post them up to a video host server. Oh well.

I have some more bowling clips from that night, but they're all boring clips that came out too dark.

I'm never bowling again. My right wrist was killing me due to my skateboard accident a week ago. Bowling made the pain a lot worse. I'm still hurting as I'm typing this post up. I thought it was a waste when I was throwing all those balls into the gutter. I could have used my left arm, but I would have done a lot worse since I'm not left-handed. I could have used a two-handed throw, but I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of everyone. We should have went ice-skating as originally planned, but a lot of folks flaked out. Tony Koo was really good. Nick had a good spin move. Sarah did much better than me. I made one strike and several gutter balls.

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