Monday, March 13, 2006

Weekend Wrap-Up 3/10/06-3/12/06

Eating Kim

At dinner on Friday, I was eating a lot of kim (Korean seaweed wrap similar to sushi wraps, not another girl, you sickos. Koreans know what I'm talking about). Even when I was done with my bowl of rice, I kept eating kim until I finished the whole package. That's just how I am. I keep eating until there's no more food in front of me. I eat a bag of chips or cookies that way too.

Eating all that kim reminded me of when I was in first grade. Since I grew up in a Korean household, I ate Korean food primarily. One time, a white friend of mine from school came over. His name was Jacob Williams. I think he broke into my house when I was in 6th grade and stole my VCR and money that was hidden in my desk, but that's another story. Anyway, we were running around trashing my house. Afterwards, we wanted some snacks. Jacob wanted to eat something, but the only thing I could find was kim. I told him it was seaweed wrap, but he ate it anyway and liked it. He was always a fat kid. So, we just ate the package of kim like normal white kids would eat a bag of chips. It was the good kind of kim. It was nice, green, crisp, and salty.

When Life Gives You Lemons and Oranges, Make Lemon and Orange Ade

On Saturday, we went to my parents' house. Sarah bought a bunch of lemons just because they were on sale. We took the lemons to my parents' house so that we could make some lemonade with my mom's juicer. We didn't have enough lemons to make enough lemonade for all of us, so we decided to throw in some oranges in there too. We just threw in all these lemons and oranges in there whole, including the peels. We failed to put the lid on properly. The juicer started splattering lemon and orange juices and pulps all over the kitchen. It was squirting all of us. I should have stuck my tongue out and tried to drink some of it as it flew into my face.

I remembered when I was a kid, I could eat lemons like I ate oranges. But, now that I'm older, I can't handle sour things like I used to. I can't even drink Costco pomegranate juice anymore. It's so sour now. Why'd they get rid of the delicious sweet pomegranate juice they used to have?

Shopping for Flowers and Vases

Later on, we went to Moskatel's in downtown LA to buy some flowers, plants, and vases. [Note to self: Never go shopping with Sarah again when she's buying things that only appeal to women.] The first 30 minutes of choosing flowers and stuff were okay. I was having fun pretending to drink out of giant vases that looked like champagne glasses and throwing around giant fake stone balls. We even had a sword fight with bamboo sticks. Then, after the first hour, I started getting worn out. The next hour and a half bored me to tears. Sarah spent so much time trying to find the perfect items for our home. I'm not into home decoration stuff. Next time, she should drop me off at a videogame store like Game Stop or something and pick me up later. We walked up and down the aisles a hundred times. I put the flowers in and out of the vases 202 times.

Saturday Night BBQ and Bowling

We went to dinner with church people and had a great BBQ. Then, we went to a tea house and had great tea. We were supposed to go ice skating, but a lot of people flaked out at the last minute, so we went bowling instead. Tony really hustled us. We never knew that he always keeps a bowling ball in his car. He had his own bowling ball with his name on it. I think he scored over 200 points in each game. We should never have bet who was going to win. I was still in pain because of my fall off my skateboard a couple weeks ago. Bowling made the pain in my right wrist much worse. No one seemed to care though-except for my wife. I haven't improved at all since junior high when I went bowling with Arvin Kan. After all those gutter balls last Saturday, I'm never going to bowling again for as long as I live.

Sugarboy Strikes Again!

On Sunday, we taught Sunday School like we always do. As usual, Sugarboy Austin was cracking jokes again. This time, I remembered one of his funny remarks. Sarah was telling the story about how Satan tempted Jesus three times. One time Satan took Jesus up to a high mountain and dared Jesus to jump off. Satan said that surely god would send his angels to catch him so that he would not get harmed. Sarah asked the class what Jesus said in response. Austin replied, "God said you're not supposed to commit suicide." Ah ha ha ha! The correct answer was that you're not supposed to test god, but I liked Austin's answer better.

Sarah's Mom's Addicted to V-Tech Videogames

We visited Sarah's parents after church. We caught Sarah's mom playing little Mikey's V-Tech videogame system. She was obsessed with getting a perfect score on a 3-year old's gaming system. That cracks me up.

Avoiding a Scam Artist

Sarah's brother told us about a business opportunity. He said that we had to act by this Tuesday to get in on the deal. Fortunately, we discussed the details with him, before he lost all his money. I'm 100% positive that he was introduced to a scam artist. You should never make any rash decisions because of time pressures. You should always discuss and get advice from as many people as possible before making any big decisions. Times like this make me glad I went to law school. At least I learned some stuff to help me avoid making really big mistakes. I was stressing out about it hoping that he wouldn't making any mistakes. I worry a lot.

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