Monday, January 23, 2006

An Episode from Sunday School

While I was teaching second grade sunday school yesterday, a couple of kids (we'll call them "Jason" and "Caleb") were fighting over a pencil. Jason said he wanted his pencil back. Caleb said Jason let him borrow it. I told them to stop fighting. I told them to share. I said that if you share, God will give you so much more. The more you give, the more God will give you. I had a lot of pencils to give out. One of the kids, who is always hyper (we'll call him "Austin" and in class, we call him "Sugarboy"), said a funny remark. Austin said, "If God gives you a pencil, it will be so big that we can't use it." I explained that God won't give you a God-sized pencil, but he'll give you many more pencils (normal-sized ones) if you share.

I go through this type of silliness all the time, especially with Sugarboy. Another time, I asked the class what they're thankful for, and Sugarboy said, "I'm thankful for that pretty Chinese fan on the wall." Oh, geez.


  1. That's a funny incident.

    Sugarboy sounds like a riot too!

  2. Yeah, teaching sunday school if pretty fun. The kids are always making you laugh with their funny comments. I'll try to share some more funny incidents in the future. Thanks for your comment.
