Monday, January 23, 2006

A Bad Trip to Max Foods

The last time I went to Max Foods, they overcharged me on a bag of cookies by over $2. I wasn't charged the discounted price.

This time, I had to wait in a long line. The woman in front of me was buying tons of food. She was of Hispanic descent and had four bratty kids with her that kept going in and out of line and bringing in more food. When she had to pay, she took out about 50 items, because they were too expensive. She also had a carton of water bottles on the bottom of her shopping cart. She never gave them to the cashier to pay for them. The cashier never saw them. I know she purposely didn't say anything, because you could clearly see them on the bottom when she pushed the cart forward. What kind of example was she setting for her children? I wanted to say something about the bottles of water, but refrained from doing so because I thought she was poor. For some reason, I didn't call her on it, because I didn't want to shame her in front of her children. Also, I guess I felt a little bit sorry for her, when she was telling the cashier to take away so many items. Although, the right thing to do was take away the bottles too or pay for them.

One time, I caught some nerdy Chinese guy at Ralphs stealing a videogame demo disk from one of those videogame magazines. I didn't say anything at first, but it really bothered me. When I saw him walk back into Ralphs, I told him, "If you don't put that videogame disk back, I'm going to notify security." Then, he looked really ashamed and guilty. I stood there and watched him put it back. Sometimes, I feel like I should be a cop. I really feel like pulling over idiot drivers, but unfortunately, I can't.

Oh yeah, speaking of markets, don't go to Costco on the weekends. Man, that place is packed! People hit you with shopping carts from behind. Other thoughtless idiots
leave their shopping carts in the middle of the aisle so that you can't get through. Put your dang carts to the side!

When I finally got home later to eat my Ben and Jerry's ice cream that I bought from Max Foods, it was nasty. It looked like it melted and then was frozen again. I thought it would be alright and gave some to Sarah. It tasted really bad. Sarah said her stomach hurt. I felt like a jerk for giving her bad ice cream. First of all, they had a bad selection of ice cream. They only had four different flavors for Ben and Jerry's ice cream. I got chocolate chip cookie dough. The packages all looked a little bit withered, but I thought it would be okay. Then, here's the kicker: I looked on the bottom of the package to see why the ice cream tasted so nasty and the expiration date was sometime in 2004!!!! What the heck is Max Foods trying to do to us?!!!!!! Poison us with old food?!! Dang them!!! They better give us a refund or exchange. I usually don't return stuff that I bought, but if they don't, I'll never shop there again!

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