Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Transporter 2

This movie is like watching a videogame. The action sequences are exciting, but they're too over-the-top. It's as realistic as a videogame, which means it's not realistic at all. It's a fast-paced adrenaline rush. It's a pretty dumb movie though. It features B-movie acting. The main guy (Jason Statham) plays a chaffeur in this movie for a rich family's kindergartener. His fighting is similar to Jackie Chan's but without any of Jackie's humor. He plays a kickass tough guy, but he's definitely not funny. The one admiral trait about him is his strong morals. He refuses to sleep with the rich guy's wife even though she literally throws herself on him.

The movie is just plain ridiculous in every aspect. The acting and even the action sequences are so unrealistic that it's groan inducing. Everyone's acting is really bad. The story is only filler and an excuse for the action sequences. The bad guys inject a lethal virus into the rich guy's kid via a needle with bright green fluid. The antidote is bright purple.

The driving sequences are like watching a street car racing videogame. One sequence reminds of Batman Begins when he drives from the top of a parking structure on to another building.

This movie is filled with cliches. The French and Russian bad guys are portrayed as typical stereotypes.

The airplane crash at the end is so ludicrous. They crash into the ocean and all that happens is that water enters the plane. They still keep fighting even though the jet is split in half.

Only watch this if you like adrenaline-inducing action sequences. That's all the movie is good for. Do not watch it if you are a drama or quality acting aficionado. It will insult your taste of class.

Why do action movies usually have such bad acting and why are they so unrealistic? Maybe they're made that way so that no one will attempt doing performing those stunts, because they know they're impossible. If action sequences were more realistic, people will try to duplicate those stunts in real life.

This is another mindless fun movie, but it's really targeted for immature videogame-playing teens.

My rating: D, 64.

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