Monday, September 28, 2009

The O.C. Triathlon

I just did the Orange County Triathlon yesterday. I did the 25 mile bike part in 1hr 15 min. This was one of the most beautiful and fastest courses I've been on. We went from Lake Mission Viejo to Irvine Lake and back. This was a hilly course. It was tough climbing up, but an absolute blast coming back downhill. I was going over 40 mph back down so I still was able to average 20 mph to make up for the slow uphills.

There were a lot of fast people in this race. I got passed by 6 people, but I was able to pass 4. Okay, so 3 of them had mechanical difficulties.... I was still able to hold off a bunch of others and stay in the front group. For the first half of the race, it was pretty lonely. Nobody was next to me for miles. It was only when I got near the turn around point that I was able to see a bunch of other cyclists.

Then, I had to hurry back to church to teach Sunday School.

The day before, I helped my sister move in the morning. Then, I biked back home and did some swimming. I know you're not supposed to train vigorously the day before a race, but I race to train. I'm getting ready for an even bigger race later on...the Ironman.

Later that day, I had dinner with some of the church teachers at O Dae San Korean BBQ. We had all you can eat BBQ, and boy, did we eat a lot! We were supposed to go ice skating, but we went bowling instead. I'm never going bowling again! Every time I play I get worse. I had my lowest score ever! I only go once a year so I never really improve. But, I don't think I should be getting worse. I know I should practice to improve, but bowling is not high on my priority list right now.

We had some delicious Pinkberry frozen yogurt to top off the night. Then, I biked home and got in around 11:45 p.m. I went to sleep at 1:00 a.m. and got up at 4:30 a.m. I was really tired all weekend and still am. I'm tired all the time actually.


  1. s.l.o.w. down!!!

  2. thats awesome David. You watch the Universal Sports channel on 4-4? They are showing past iron mans. I know you can do it. Your the most insane and strong cyclist i know. You ever go to iron man I'll be there to support you.

  3. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Sounds like you're doing well! YAY!

  4. Thanks, everyone!

    I'm going to be doing a Half-Ironman distance triathlon soon. It's called the Magic Mountain Man Tri.

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