Monday, September 21, 2009

Long Beach Triathlon

I did the Long Beach Triathlon on Sunday, September 20 at 7:00 a.m. I rode the bike portion (11 miles) in about 35 minutes. I passed everyone. No one passed me, except for one guy, but I passed him at the end.

Then, I hurried back home. I was going to go straight to church, but I forgot to put my clothes in my bag. Then, I biked 13.5 miles to church all before 9:15 a.m.

On Monday, 9/21, I ran to work again (9.5 miles each way). It's getting easier, but I took it slow, because my left foot is still sore from the last time I ran to work.


  1. That is a pretty hectic lifestyle you have and some major stamina

  2. My goodness! You rock!
