Monday, July 14, 2008

VBS Preparations

The Sunday School teachers at Berendo Street Baptist Church are busy every weekend preparing for Vacation Bible School in August. These teachers are really dedicated.


  1. I love that you post so many pictures. You are Korean and ate Mexican for a birthday party? Dad's favorite?

  2. It looks like the kids will be having lots of fun when the time comes! Thank heavens for the teachers who are so dedicated.

  3. Abbagirl,

    I'd like to post more pictures. I think it's time for me to upgrade and improve my blog, but I don't want to spend too much time fiddling around with it. Maybe, later. I'm such a procrastinator.

    Yes, we're Korean and we had Mexican food for my dad's birthday. I'm not sure if that's his favorite. I think we just tried it, because it was supposed to be good, and it was!

  4. Portia,

    I hope the kids enjoy and appreciate all our work. It's always the dedicated few that does 90% of the work.
