Friday, July 18, 2008


I rode with the 5Fix2 crew in Whittier. The name 5Fix2 is a play on the area code (562) and the fixed gear bike riders. We joined up with the "Sexy Sixpack" riders in Downtown L.A. I rode almost 70 miles that night going from Whittier to L.A., riding around L.A., back to Whittier, and then home. I ended up going home really late, because some people got lost, and we had to wait for them. I think they want me to ride with them again. I just don't want these Midnight Rides to last all night. I need some sleep. It was fun though. I've made more friends and got some good riding in.


  1. 70 miles! That's AWESOME! I'd still be out there, lost or not, lol. What's the deal with the night rides? Less traffic? Cooler temps? More people not at work too, I guess. Glad you got in on another one, sounds like it was fun.

  2. Portia,

    Yeah, it's good training for me since I'm preparing for the L.A. Triathlon. I'm a little behind in my time estimates. The estimated finish time for Elite Amateurs is 2 hours and 15 minutes. I'm just a little behind that in my estimates. I need to train more so that I can get an elite amateur time. Otherwise, I would just be doing it. I don't know. That's how I feel right now.

    Everything you said about night rides is correct. It's easier to keep a big group of riders together on the streets when there's less cars around late at night.
