Monday, July 30, 2007


We took Mikey to Travel Town and LA Live Steamers on Sunday. It was fun riding those little trains.


  1. what a fun theme park! you got some great pictures, as always. i had to giggle at the one of the burly conductor looming over his tiny train;)

  2. Yeah, the Little Engine That Could actually did it! He carried that fat old man along with several other passengers.

  3. Anonymous6:35 PM

    I was starting to miss pics of Mikey! My fav is the one of him giving you his very special but very painful 'massage'. lolol

  4. Miyon,

    Hahahaha! I liked that picture too! Mikey beats me up all the time, especially when we play fight with our plastic swords. He loves whacking me hard on my hands and it really hurts!
