Monday, July 30, 2007

Iris' Party

We had a delicious steak dinner at Pastor Iris' party. We also played Dance Dance Revolution, Poker, and sang karaoke.


  1. looks like fun! i have never seen those dance mats outside of a fanland-type place and something tells me i don't want to attempt this in public:)

  2. oops...i meant funland

  3. Yeah, I don't like playing DDR at arcades either. I don't want all those strangers laughing at me trying that out.

  4. Anonymous6:36 PM

    My kids have something similar to the Dance Dance Revolution. It's a touch sensitive dance mat and DVD combo. Kids love it.

  5. Miyon,

    Surprisingly, Sarah loved DDR too. She even said that we could get that when we were playing. Now, she changed her mind again and said that we should wait until we buy a house first.
