Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The jesus Pan

I've always thought it strange when people go crazy over jesus and virgin mary images showing up on tortillas, breads, and walls. They actually believe they're signs from god since their "remarkable" images appear on a piece of food. They pay tons of money for things like this on ebay. Some people hold prayer vigils around water-stained walls and travel thousands of miles to worship them.

I thought to myself, "I can make a fortune by creating jesus and virgin mary images on foods and selling them on ebay if I just had a cookie-cutter type tool and a casting mold."

Now, some guy has taken my idea and actually created the Jesus Pan.


It looks like they still need to create the virgin mary pan. Anyone who makes that will make a killing.


  1. Remember the lady who had the toast with the Virgin Mary burnt into it? After she sold it she had the image tattooed on her chest. What a nut!

  2. She's a sinner! Not only is she profiting off of the holy image of god's mother, she tattooed herself which is against god's laws.

    Leviticus 19:28: “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.”
