Tuesday, June 06, 2006

6/6/06 Baby

Here's another dumb potential mother-to-be of the Anti-Christ:

CAVERSHAM, England, May 30 (UPI) -- A woman in England due to give birth on June 6 is fighting with her hospital to induce her sooner to avoid delivering on the demonic date of 6/6/6.

Melissa Parker, 30, said as a fan of "The Omen," a movie about a demonic child, she's genuinely concerned about the numerology involved, The Sun reported Tuesday.

"I'm terrified the birth will go wrong or the child will have evil in him or her," Parker said. "Even worse my beautiful baby could be the devil himself -- the anti-Christ."

The figure 666 is mentioned in the Bible and various cultures believe it represents the date the anti-Christ will appear on Earth, but that doesn't hold any water at the Royal Berkshire Hospital.

A hospital spokesman said Parker's request for an induction was refused because due dates are not 100 percent certain.

"There is little we can do to change them without a Caesarean or inducing the child, which we try to avoid," the spokesman said. "We must let nature take its course. The baby will be born when ready, no matter what day it is."


  1. Wow...it didn't happen in Indonesia, maybe because the majority is Moslem and 2nd because of the earthquake and Mt. Merapi eruption.

    But most of all, I think all that women were crazy. I can't belief it.

    Anyway, thanks for sharing the news (broaden my view) and nice to visit your blog.

  2. Dear tere616,

    Thanks for visiting. It's funny because 616 is also the number of the Devil.

    I just can't believe so many people are so superstitious even in this technological age. I guess our minds need to evolve more before we get those primitive thoughts out of our heads.
