Monday, March 06, 2006

Me, Myself, and Irene

A funny Jim Carrey comedy that showcases his two personalities.

I can't say that I subscribe to Carrey's line of physical comedy, but sometimes the hijinks he gets into are freakin' hilarious.

In this film, Carrey's beautiful wife runs off their chauffeur they hired for their wedding. Carrey's a Rhode Island State Trooper who lives in a tiny house. His wife happens to be the President of the Mensa Society. The African-American midget chauffeur says that he's also in Mensa. Carrey's wife falls in love with the genius midget and they run off together. Carrey is left taking care of the half-black triplets fathered by the midget. I have to get those t-shirts with a picture of Sarah for me and one with a picture of me for Sarah. That'd be great.

After years of taking in people's abuse without sticking up for himself, he finally cracks. His mind develops a second personality that is rude and aggressive, named Hank. His nice guy self is named Charlie. Everyone takes advantage of Charlie's niceness. Even a little girl tells him to "@#$% off!"

Anyway, Charlie is told to escort Renee Zellweger, who is followed by bad guys that are trying to kill her.

This movie is a good blend of Jim Carrey's two styles of comedy. Charlie represents the nice Jim Carrey like in the movies, The Truman Show and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Hank represents Carrey's more physical humor side like in The Mask and The Pet Detective. I wasn't into Carrey's movies until I saw The Pet Detective. I still remember cracking up hysterically when he came out the rear end of the rhinoceros machine. He was in the serengetti and he started getting really hot. He takes off all his clothes. He tries to get out, but the handle inside breaks. He finds a small hole in the machine and struggles to get out. The family that was on safari thought that a rhino just gave birth to Jim Carrey. That was great.

I didn't really like Hank, but he did make for some funny scenes. Hank pushes a breast-feeding infant out of the way and starts breast-feeding from the baby's mother.

There were some stupid things in the movie like his genius half-black triplets. First of all, they didn't look like triplets. They didn't look half white. All they did was say the "F" word every other word. It was a lame running gag that should have been terminated a lot sooner.

Carrey was a crazy Jekyll and Hyde who kept fighting with himself most of the movie.

The bad guys were also really stupid. Bad guys in movies never make any sense. Sometimes, they can kill a ton of innocent people within seconds, but they can't kill the good guys with a gun. In the train scene, Carrey fights with the main bad guy and gets beat up. Zellweger grabs a dildo from her bag and knocks the bad guy out. How the heck is that possible? I have no first hand experience with one, believe me, but it seems like a dildo is just a rubbery plastic thingamajig. --Hardly something that can knock out a bad guy.

Also, when the bad guy grabs Zellweger in the last scene, he takes her out to a bridge to kill her. If all he wanted to do was kill her, why didn't he just shoot her? Carrey manages to get close enough to the bad guy to grab his gun. Carrey then gets his thumb blown off. Why didn't the bad guy just shoot him sooner? Movie villains are so dumb.

The Good: Hilarious scenes. It's a great "feel good" movie.

The Bad: A lot of dumb scenes and even dumber bad guys.

The Verdict: Another funny Farrelly Brothers and Jim Carrey movie.

My rating: B, 86.

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