Friday, March 03, 2006

Do You Guys Think I Should Be a Movie Critic?

What do you guys think of my movie reviews? Do you think I'm good enough to be a movie critic? I think that would be my dream job--just watching movies all the time and telling you what I think about them. That might be my next career. I'm not sure if it's my tendency for escapism or if it's just my natural talent.

I'm just getting over my food poision-induced nausea. I'm feeling much better than before. Tuesday was the longest day I've ever had. I don't think anyone else would force themself to go to work if they were as sick as I was that day. I was throwing up and feeling really nasty. I could hardly hold my head up. My back started hurting because I couldn't even sit up straight at my desk. I had to stay at work 'til late since I went to the doctor's during the day too.

I'm still not 100%. I'm still having all my symptoms that I've been having lately. My wrist hurts from my skateboard accident. My leg and hip is all scabby. I still have to wake up several times in the middle of the night to go pee and I have IBS symptoms. I feel like I've had to struggle all my life. Ever since I was a kid, I've had to struggle a lot more than others just to get by. Woe is me.

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