Tuesday, February 28, 2006

DAVIDy KIMet's A Series of Unfortunate Events

It was a dark and stormy night. The rain was pouring cats and dogs. The wind was howling loudly. I couldn't sleep all night because of food poisoning.

I ate some cereal yesterday after work. I put some golden raisins in there. I was on the computer while I was eating and I didn't look at what went in my mouth. After a bite, I tasted some nastiness. It tasted like a really bad burnt rotten raisin. I also took a whole bunch of vitamins afterwards. I'm not sure what caused the food poisoning, but I was sick all night. I'm still sick now. All the toxins seemed to be spewing out of every orifice I have. I had diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, chills, cold sweats, hot sweats, and general overall pain.

I was puking and crapping all night. I was so tired, but the pain prevented me from falling asleep. Plus, as I've mentioned before, I have to keep going pee and poo for some reason. That kept me up too. I'm going to see a doctor today for those yucky symptoms. I'm a walking zombie these days.

I went to work today, even though I'm feeling worse than last Thursday. As you know, I've puked my guts out at the office party too because of too many drinks.

My right wrist is acting up again. It's hurting so bad without me even moving it. My right leg and hip is still scarred up and scabby. They're getting really itchy.

Then, my Honda Accord started acting strangely too. It's making this rattling noise from somewhere in the engine bay. Dang! I thought Hondas are the best cars. This Accord is really letting me down. I used to drive my Mustang really hard and she took all the punishment I gave her without any problems until at least 100K miles. I hope the Honda gets fixed under warranty. It seems like everything is a money pit these days. No matter how much we struggle to save, there's always something that's draining away our money.

I'm still nauseated as I'm typing this. I had to puke a lot several times at work. I was making loud horrible regurgitating noises. They echoed throughout the halls. Fortunately, no one came in to the bathroom as I was blowing out all my chunks. That would have been embarrassing.

I don't know what's wrong with me. It seems like everything is going downhill for me. Not in a fun skateboarding way, but downhill in terms of everything's falling apart in my life.

These health issues combined still don't bother me as much as the serious crap I'm going through right now. I might tell you later if everything works out. Right now, don't ask me what's really bothering me, or I might bite your head off. I'm still in an extremely bad mood over my serious nonhealth-related problems.

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