Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Back to the Doctor's Office

I went to see the doctor again. He said that the blood and urine tests came out fine. My glucose levels are a little high and my cholesterol level is a tad high. Otherwise, I'm okay. My poo samples were screwed up so I have to drop off my poo at the doctor's again.

I asked him, "Why am I going to the bathroom so much?"

The doctor thinks it's because I have anxiety.

But, I wake up in the middle of the night to pee. I'm not anxious when I'm sleeping. Or is it because I'm generally anxious all the time?

My symptoms have gotten worse over the last year or so. Maybe when my troubles that are stressing me out go away, I'll be in better health.

I must have gotten the flu yesterday after I got food poisoning. I've got the chills, sweats, and fever. I feel terrible.


  1. Hi... sounds weird... take care... I'm just a shrink and researcher but does not sound like somatizing...

    Ann Marie

  2. Hi again David, I came back here, sorry if I was so brief in my writing. I was surfing through and thought, well, have to answer that one. Now that I am free of surfing for credits, I can expand...

    The thing is, usually anxiety-related peeing occurs in infants. That is, not you... Somatizing is when you may have stress you tranfer it on the body, and that may take the appearance of almost any symptom.

    He should rather refer you to further exams - or another doctor should - because it may be a symptom of something more serious. It can just be a case of overactive bladder but in men, there is a reason for that.

    Do a test. Go back and request Valium or Xanax - these are anti-anxiety meds - to see if it is due to anxiety. Chances are, you will pee in your pants because they make drowsy and urine retention difficult. Then request tests.

    There is a med called ddavp. It is also known as desmopressin and vasopressin and it decreases urine flow but first you've got to find out the cause.

    Take care....

    Ann Marie Simard, Ph.D.
