Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Wedding Crashers

Wedding Crashers Posted by Picasa

Two best friends crash weddings to screw as many vulnerable chicks as possible. Owen Wilson falls in love with a beautiful girl at one of the weddings. Owen Wilson's nose looks broken to me. Vince Vaughn gets chased by a nymphomaniac. Later on, he likes it.

I thought there were a lot of hilarious moments, but the movie as a whole seemed too contrived. I guess I was disgusted by their chauvinistic behavior. It had a happy ending at the end, but it just wasn't satisfying somehow. The movie had a lot of empty calories. It was too shallow. It just had a bunch of funny scenes, but didn't have a great plot. When it tries to be sentimental, it flops. I think it would have been better if it was just one long gag fest like American Pie.

The characters were cliches as well. They were just one-sided.

My rating: C+, 79.

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