Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Matrix Revolutions

Matrix Revolutions Posted by Picasa

Neo finally realizes what he must do to save Zion. Smith's only purpose is to destroy Neo. But, once Smith destroys Neo, then Smith will no longer have a purpose. Without a purpose, programs get deleted by the Machine.

Neo looks like a Christ figure. You can see blatantly see a cross made of light before he dies.

The Sentinels stop attacking Zion and go back home. Everyone is saved.

The Matrix is reloaded again, but now it looks like there is a beautiful new world. The movie ends with the Oracle and Neo looking into the sunrise.

The biggest problem with this movie is that Reloaded's own complex story made it too difficult for even the Wachowski Brothers to come up with a good ending. They made concepts so abstract that had life-changing potential, but they couldn't create a story good enough to rise to that level of expectation. So, in the end, the movie is okay, but not as great as I was hoping for after watching Reloaded.

There's still interesting symbolism in the movie and it all ends in a thought provoking way, but the taste you leave with is disappointment.

The special effects were great, but somehow seemed cheesy. The movie had a self-important feel to it. The fight scenes somehow felt overplayed. We are almost tired of the same fighting style by now. I thought the fighting in Reloaded were much more fun to watch. Smith and Neo were flying around fighting, but it seemed tame instead of amazing. There were millions of Smiths and yet, they didn't do anything but watch. That was not as cool as the burly brawl scene in Reloaded.

There were mech-type machines in Zion used to fight the Sentinels, but they just seemed like another sci-fi war movie instead of the revolutionary movie this could have been.

My rating: B, 84.

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