Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Doctor Steven Pratt claims that these foods will help stop the detoriations that lead to ailments and diseases. Here's the list of foods:

1. Beans -- reduce obesity
2. Blueberries -- lower risk for cardiovascular disease
3. Broccoli -- lowers the incidence of cataracts and fights birth defects
4. Oats -- reduce the risk of type II diabetes
5. Oranges -- prevent strokes
6. Pumpkin -- lowers the risk of various cancers
7. Wild salmon -- lowers the risk of heart disease
8. Soy -- lowers cholesterol
9. Spinach -- decreases the chance of cardiovascular disease and age-related macular degeneration
10. Tea -- helps prevent osteoporosis
11. Tomatoes -- raise the skin's sun protection factor
12. Turkey -- helps build a strong immune system
13. Walnuts -- reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease, diabetes, and cancer
14. Yogurt-promotes strong bones and a healthy heart
15. Honey
16. Pomegranate Juice
17. Avocados
18. Garlic
19. Onions
20. Dark Chocolate, not milk chocolate
21. Kiwi
22. Apples
23. Spices
24. Cinnamon
25. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Now, that I'm over 30, I've already noticed that my body is quickly deteriorating. I thought I'd be as strong and healthy as I was in my twenties, but it's not so.

It's also very important to get lots of sleep. I've only been sleeping about 4 to 5 hours per day these days. I feel like a zombie at work. I'm going to try and stop watching movies and I'm going to sleep ealier. It's important to get 8 1/2 hours of sleep per day. This may lead me to write less movie reviews.

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