Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Matrix Reloaded

I don't know what people were talking about when they said that this movie sucks. This is one of the greatest action sci-fi movies ever made! I went seeing it with lowered expectations, because people were knockin' it. I still wanted to see it because I enjoyed the original Matrix so much. I guess people didn't like it because it was so complicated, and they didn't understand it. I thought it was one of the most thought-provoking movies ever made. It's a very philosophical and cerebral movie plus a kick-ass action flick.

As for me, I love complex movies. This is a very deep movie. It's not a shallow pop-culture movie that just uses random symbols and names to pretend like it's deep movie. This is the real deal. Yes, it is a confusing movie to watch. I've watched it a couple times to try to really understand the movie at a deeper level. Everyone else who knocks on it doesn't know what they're talking about.

This sequel may actually be more complex and impressive than the first film. Whereas the first movie introduced the idea of an alternate reality from the one we live in, this movie discusses the idea of free will vs. predestination, purpose, choice, control, and cause and effect.

I can't think of another film that was so complex and fun to watch as this movie. Blade Runner was good, but not nearly as intricate or exciting. This was almost as convoluted as the videogame Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. That was an awesome game. It was a blast to play, but some people didn't like the plot because of all the elaborate plot twists. With each twist, the story became more involved and it ultimately lead to a mind-blowing revelation. I thought it was going to be about a political cover-up, but it was a hundred times more deep than that. There was another very complicated anime series called Serial Experiments: LAIN. That series was very tangled, but was a great social commentary on life and the development of technology. But, the series' pacing was very slow. It didn't even come close to the excitement of Reloaded. LAIN was more complex than Ghost in the Shell, but not as fun to watch.

Anyway, back to Reloaded. There are only a few films that are as intricate as the Matrix trilogy. None of the other films even come close to the adrenaline thrills of the Matrix series, however.

This may be one of the most important science fiction films of all time, perhaps the greatest. The reason I say this is because of the philosophical elements in the movie. Just like all great philosophical theories, this movie really makes you think about them a lot before you understand them. It's told in an exciting action movie way. People who don't like science fiction lack imagination. Sure, there are a lot of bad sci-fi out there which makes them really bad. Some great sci-fi is more than mere temporary escapism, they are a philosophy, just like the Matrix series. There is no other film that makes you think as much as these films. There might be movies that have better special effects or better acting or better drama, but they don't match the level of complex storytelling. Critics who quickly dismiss this film just don't get it, because they don't want to think. I get this film. I'm still learning more and more about it as I research it.

Yes, this film as its flaws as even the best movies do. The acting is a little too stiff due to the movie taking itself too seriously. The plot is not completely perfect. Some of the minor characters are not very well developed.

The movies that critics are always impressed by are dramas, but dramas are only about the acting. The Matrix is thought-provoking. It can be studied on a whole new level beyond other movies.

The discussion with the Architect is the most important scene in the series. Here, Neo learns that he is the 6th One. The number 6 is also a number that people have theorized a lot about. Some of the theories range from 6 symbolizing that God made Man on the sixth day to 6 being the new testament after Moses' Pentateuch. This is the 6th Matrix made by the Architect and Neo is the 6th anamoly in the system.

The Wachowski Brothers also made the Animatrix and the videogame Enter the Matrix to provide additional background on the series.

In this film, we learn that Agent Smith has replicated himself like a virus. The Burly Brawl scene is a very fun fight to watch in where Neo fights hundreds of Smiths. Smith says that his purpose is to destroy Neo. He was orinally created to balance the equation the Architect made. After awhile, Neo flies away.

Neo and the gang learn that they must find the Keymaker who can provide access to the door to the Architect. First, they must rescue the Keymaker from the Merovingian.

Then, there's the really cool freeway chase scene. That was incredible to watch.

The rave scene at the Zion church showed our human animalistic side. It seems cheesy, but every scene in the movie was purposefully placed there.

We learn that the Oracle can be considered the mother of the Matrix and the Architect is the Father. The Oracle was designed to understand human tendencies.

I know my review sucks, but the movie is great.

My review: A, 94.

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