Monday, December 19, 2005

David and Sarah Kim's Matchmaking Service

Sarah and I are going to start a matchmaking service where we are going to hook up all our single friends. If you would like for us to introduce you to our other single friends, then let me know by emailing me. All my friends are good people. I'm a pretty good judge of character. Remember, everyone knows that marriage is the key to happiness. Don't let society tell you otherwise. If you find the right person, then life will be fantastic. Actually, there have been several studies that indicate that married people are generally happier and healthier than single people. I want everyone to experience the happiness that I have. Don't be shy people. Live life to the fullest. Carpe Diem! That's my motto. Let us introduce you to the love of your life. Also, remember I'm a reverend too. So, if it works out, I can marry you guys. I'm also an attorney so in case things don't work out. . .(I'm just kidding about the last part. Forget that awful last sentence.) We'll set you up with your dream girl or guy.

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