Monday, December 19, 2005

Celebrating Davemas

December 18 is my birthday. I like to refer to it as Davemas. Davemas is a time when you celebrate life. On that day, people should live life to the fullest. You've got to live life to the max! It's also about spending time with loved ones. It's not about giving gifts like the outrageously commercialized xmas. I think that Jesus would throw a fit if he saw what was happening on his birthday. Xmas has become a day of material excess. People are getting stressed out waiting in lines. They're beating each other up trying to snatch up the last of the 70% off items. People are getting in more credit card debt buying expensive and useless junk. People have forgotten about loving family and friends and instead have focused on accumulating stuff.

My birthday has always been celebrated together with xmas b/c my family was always busy working during the holiday season. They never had time to go out, because my birthday was always during the extremely busy weekend before xmas. It was a good way to save on money, annoyance of getting gifts, and saving time. I didn't mind too much, because I didn't care about getting gifts or celebrating birthdays anyway. Each birthday reminds me of my inevitable death. I want to stay young forever. That's why it's important to live life to the extreme. I don't want to regret all the stuff I didn't do when I get older later.

I want to focus my life on making great memorable experiences. I want to do things that I love doing. I want to focus it on family and friends. I don't want to be pressured by what society says. I've always been an iconoclast anyway. Some people think that I'm eccentric. Other people have used other words. I don't really care what other people think about me if it's something that I want to do. Of course, I want to be nice to other people and want others to like me. But, if it's something that I want to do and it's not infringing on other people's rights, than I don't give a @#$% what other people think. I don't want to keep up with the Joneses. At the Kim Family household, we spend time being thankful for what we have and we just simply appreciate one another.

Anyway, enough of my ranting. This past Friday, our office let us leave early, but I stayed at the office anyway because I had to go to my friend, Andy Nagai's office party that was close to my work. I helped out Andy take portrait photos of his co-workers. After I had a few drinks, I started breakdancing, spinning, and handstanding on the dance floor. I'm waiting for Andy to send me the pictures that he took so that I can upload it to my blog.

On Saturday, I did the laundry, washed my car, recycled, and did other crappy errands we all have to do. What can I say? I like to be clean and organized. I don't like to clean, but I hate being dirty more so I do it. I'm pretty anal and obsessive. Oh well.

Sunday, I went to church and taught Sunday School. I hope no one blames me if they grow up to be messed up. I went to Sarah's parents' house and played with her nephew Sung Ho. I said "hi" to Whoony, Sarah's younger brother, who is on break from NYU Dental School. Then, I spent a nice quiet evening alone with my wife, Sarah. It's nice to cherish each other. I know that time goes by way too fast so I want to appreciate every minute of life. Everyone knows that marriage is the key to happiness.

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