Saturday, August 21, 2010

Facebook is Killing my Blog

My blog is being neglected because of Facebook. I apologize once again to my Blog fans. No one can serve two masters. I've got too many things going on, and I can't handle everything. I need to use my time more wisely. I've got to focus on the important things and not get distracted by the millions of things that I want to do. I've got a To Do list that is as thick as a textbook and I need to cut it back down. I've got to start over again. I feel like I'm drowning in things to do, and they're driving me crazy. I've got to stop being so anal and stop trying to do everything. I need to just do what's important like work and exercise. I probably should cut back on facebooking too if not quit altogether. It's such a huge time-suck.


  1. Anonymous11:17 AM

    it is a huge time suck, but it's fun! heehee!

  2. 'Time suck' is an understatement! Whoa, it's like sucking on the esscense of life >.> I had quite at one point only to go back to it because of peer pressure >>

  3. ohmygod.. Are you REALLY not going to post anymore :(

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