Saturday, February 13, 2010

LA Kings 5K

I am so tired these days I feel like a zombie. I did not want to wake up this morning to do the run, but I forced myself to do it. I've been so busy these days that I haven't been running. The last time I ran was the Santa Monica turkey trot back in November. This time I learned my lesson from the last race and didn't eat too much before running.

I ran today's event in 24 minutes and change. I was quite surprised since I haven't trained at all since November. Last time I ran a 5K in 27 minutes. I thought I would come in around 30 minutes this time. It must have been from all that daydreaming about being fast. I know it's a mediocre time for serious runners. I've got to start running more.


  1. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I have faith that anything you set forth to do you will accomplish... carry on....

  2. Hello, I was just Blog-Hopping and ran across your blog. Very well written!

