Friday, October 02, 2009

Sunday School Teachers


BSBC Sunday School Teachers, School Year 2009-2010

Pictured here from top left, David Choi, Jimmy, Richard, Ryan, David Kim, Pearl, Erich, Sharon Park, Jiyeon (Katie), Jenny Kim, James Kim, Miju (Miriam), Grace Lee, Joy, Heejin (Irene), and Alice.

John Moon and Eun Jung Moon were not present for the photos during picture day.

Special thanks to Jay for taking the great photos.

We've got a wonderful group of dedicated teachers this year.


  1. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I love looking at your church photos. Everyone looks like they're having fun. You're lucky to have such a wonderful close-knit I just that is sooo cool! community!

  2. Lois,

    Thanks. They're a great bunch of people....even the kids! Hahaha!
