Sunday, February 22, 2009


Last night, the Sunday School Teachers met at the Great Wall Chinese Restaurant and had some delicious food. We met at 8:00 p.m. since we had to close the pharmacy prescription section. I overstuffed myself as always.

Then, we went bowling. We only had time for one game since it was Saturday night and it was crowded. We had to wait about half an hour to get 2 lanes. There were 12 of us who played. We finished around midnight. I suck at bowling and seem to be getting worse every time I play. I only play about once every one or two years. Sarah did much better than me.

However, bowling is a very good social game. It really brings people closer together since we're all cheering for one another. Well, it brings feelings of closeness. It's back to normal the next day.

I had to wake up by 6:00 a.m. so I could get to church by 7:00 a.m. to set up the church sound equipment.

Sarah and I are really tired since we work 12-14 hours a day every single day at the pharmacy these days. I've only been sleeping 4-6 hours a night and I'm simply too exhausted to do anything else these days.

Those who attended bowling night was: Tony, James, Sarah, Yang, Whoony, Fenny, Jenny, Jung Mi, Ryan, Jimmy, Erich, and me.

Kate, Miju, Irene, and lil' Mikey were there for dinner.

I left my camera in my car, and we took Whoony's car so I couldn't take any pictures. :(


  1. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I **LOVE** bowling... the only thing is that my highest score ever was a 49. LOL

    I bet you're way better than I am.

  2. I wouldn't say I'm way better.

    I need to learn how to spin the ball, so I could look cool. That means that I would have to do a lot of practicing by myself beforehand.

  3. It's always years between games for me too so my game never improves. I don't know many people who bowl but the place here is always packed too, part of the reason we never wound up bowling on bowling night.

    You guys sure do know how to stay busy!

  4. Portia,

    I love to have fun!
