Tuesday, September 09, 2008

LA Triathlon

On Sunday, I did the bike portion of the LA Triathlon. I was really tired from riding over 100 miles the day before. I won't be doing that again before a race.

I got 16th place and finished in 1 hour and 13 minutes. I managed to move up to the front of the starting line, because I did not want to be behind a big mob of cyclists. They could slow me down from the traffic jam they form. Plus, you can't draft in triathlons.

My legs were so sore even in the first mile, but I kept going because of the cheering crowds. They really motivated me to go fast. I wanted to slow down, but for some reason I couldn't bike slow and disappoint anyone. I felt like I had to go fast as I passed by the crowds, so I did, even though I was dead tired. I felt like I still got a really good time even though I biked too much they day before.

The streets were surprisingly deserted at 7:30 a.m. After awhile I didn't see anybody. There were no people except for the bigger intersections. I could hardly even tell I was in a race for the first half of the race. Except for about 15 really fast riders in aero disk wheels and $8,000-$10,000+ bikes, I was still in the front.

At a certain section where volunteers passed out water and gatorade, I was unsuccessful in grabbing any bottles. I was going too fast and just knocked the bottles out of their hands. Sorry!

Going up Alverado Boulevard, I overheard some Chicano guy in the crowd complaining to his friends how all these stupid bikers were ruining it for everyone, because all the streets were blocked off.

At the Sunset Boulevard turnaround, I could see the main pack starting to chase me down. I was suffering at this point. My legs were dead. I didn't grab any gatorade. My nose was running. Somehow, I was able to keep them off until I the finish line in Downtown LA. My heart sank as I had to climb the hill on 1st Street. I thought I would get passed there, but surprisingly I wasn't. Then, I kept jamming down the steep hill on Grand Ave. going over 40 mph and then I crossed the finish line near the Staples Center.

Afterward, I just jammed back to church in Ktown. I couldn't be late for the first day of Sunday School. I want to do a full triathlon, but I have responsibilities and can't let down the kids. Most triathlons are on Sundays so I won't be able to do them.

The race started at 7:30 a.m. I finished at 8:43. The course length was 25 miles. I got to church in Ktown a few miles away around 8:50 a.m. Then, I washed up and prepared for my 5th grade sunday schoolers.

I wanted to stick around for the post-race after-party and fair, but couldn't. I didn't make it to the awards ceremony either.

I think I could enter into the elite amateur category next time I do a triathlon. I am pleased with my time as I averaged almost 21 mph for the course. If I got more sleep and didn't ride over a bike century the day before, I could have done even better. I only slept 3.5 hours on Friday night and 4.5 hours on Saturday night. I need to sleep more.

Pictured above is the area near the 1st Transition Zone in Venice Beach.


  1. You are a true winner. I am so happy to hear your commitment to those children. Good for you!

  2. Abbagirl,

    Thanks. You are too kind! Once I'm responsible for something, I feel like I have to continue my commitment to it.
