Thursday, August 14, 2008


This year's VBS, Outrigger Island, was awesome. It was the best ever. The teachers and the rest of the VBS leaders spent a ton of time over a couple of months working to prepare for this one. We spent all most of the day on Saturdays and Sundays. We also worked until midnight almost every night the week before VBS started. The kids really seemed to enjoy it. They thought it was better than previous ones too. It was a great success.

Fortunately, all my pictures did not get erased. I had a CF card memory error and I thought all my pictures got erased. Fortunately, it worked again when I got home to upload them. I think I need to get a new camera soon.

Sam was my T.A. He helped out a lot not only with me, but with all aspects of VBS.


  1. YOU DID IT!!! I know it was hard on you and everyone else who put it together, but what a great project to put your time and heart into.

    Thank goodness your pictures weren't gone!

  2. Portia,

    Yeah, I'm glad my pictures weren't gone. Although most of my pictures came out blurry. I definitely need a good camera like a DSLR.
