Monday, July 28, 2008

Sedona Arizona

We went to beautiful Sedona. Too bad it rained, because I wanted to camp there and stay there longer. From New Mexico all the way past Phoenix, Arizona, there was rain and lightning. That storm stretched for over 600 miles and lasted for over 8 hours while I was driving. I've never seen so much lightning before in my life. That was awesome.

We ate some delicious BBQ ribs in Sedona. That was a fun town to visit.


  1. It is a shame you couldn't camp, but sounds like the storm gave you quite a show!

    I love the sunflowers:) We planted some, but have just one left.. I hope he makes it to be that tall.

  2. Portia,

    Yeah, I wished we could have camped and stayed longer, but the others wanted to get back to church to prepare for the upcoming VBS. They went to church at 9:30 a.m. and stayed all day after getting back from New Mexico and Arizona at 3:00 a.m. Man, they have supernatural dedication!

    Take care of your sunflower.

  3. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Hi~ David teacher!
    Your blog is awesome! :)
    I copied some pictures from your blog..Gee~~ YOu are very good at updating your blog~~!!

  4. Hi, Jenny!

    Thanks for visiting my blog. You are most welcome to come again!
