Monday, July 28, 2008


Last week, James, Grace "Hye Jin", Jenny, Laura Kim, Eun Jung, Jonah, Tyler, Sarah, and I went to Glorieta, New Mexico. We went there for the National Sunday School Teachers' Conference.

We had a good time, but it was very tiring. We went there after working all day on Saturday for VBS preparations and all day of church on Sunday. Saturday, July 19 was James' birthday too. Sarah and I get to church before 7:30 a.m. to set up the equipment for the childrens' worship service. After all day of meetings on Sunday, we ate dinner at a Korean restaurant. We also stopped by the market to buy some food for our road trip. I think we left Los Angeles around 8:30 p.m. We drove my dad's Ford Explorer and arrived in Albuquerque around 11:00 a.m. We got to the Glorieta Conference Center around 1:00 p.m. Sarah, James, and I took turns driving there. Needless to say, we were exhausted. I think it took about $600 in gas round trip. We drove about 2,000 miles round trip. Laura Kim, Eun Jung, and the kids flew there. I'll probably fly next time.

On Monday, we registered and got our rooms. James and I shared a room. Sarah, Jenny, and Grace shared another room. We had dinner together. I think we all ate a lot of food. I felt like I was eating all day long each day. Jenny, Sarah, and I went hiking up a trail nearby on the first day. Jenny seemed to be in good shape. She says she likes dancing. I asked what was her favorite sport. She replied, "Walking fast. . .because I'm always late." Laura didn't feel well after walking for awhile because of the high altitude. It's 7,000 feet up there. Fortunately, she felt a little better afterward.

On Tuesday, Sarah, Jenny, and I woke up early to go hiking again. Then, we had breakfast at 6:30 a.m. We had classes and then lunch at 12:00. After some electives in the afternoon. We had dinner. Then, we had meetings. I was really tired. The others had meetings until 2:00 a.m. sometimes. I could hardly sleep, because I'm a light sleeper and can't sleep well in new surroundings. It has to be my bed and my room.

Wednesday, some of them went to Santa Fe. Sarah and I decided to get some rest.

Thursday, we had more classes and more meetings. Jonah found part of a fossilized animal jawbone. His mom didn't seem to pleased when he showed it to her. Jonah is pretty funny. He says things like, "You guys collect offerings so that the teachers can eat lunch at church?"

Friday, we finished our 12 and last class. We packed up, checked out, and left for Sedona, Arizona.

I loved the mountain air there. It wasn't nearly as hot as I thought it would be. Several times throughout the week, there were dark clouds and thunder in the distance. It rained a few times throughout the week. I loved the weather there.


  1. My goodness, the energy you guys have! Up and hiking and back for breakfast by 6:30am is quite impressive. It looks like a good time, and once again, a fun group of people you travel with.

  2. Portia,

    I've been looking forward to this trip for a long time, about 3 months ago. I had so much excitement and adrenaline pumping in my blood that I was able to stay awake with very little sleep.

    Jenny, Sarah, and I went hiking the first day we got there, because we wanted to explore the area. Somehow I was able to wake up early even though I hardly slept because of James' very loud snoring. I wanted to hike early to beat the heat and because that was the only time we had. I also wanted to get to breakfast early to beat the lines just in case there were lots of people there.

    It was fun because I was with a great group of friends.
