Saturday, June 14, 2008

Children's Art Contest

While the Mission Bazaar was going on, we had an art contest for the kids. They also got some wonderful prizes. The theme of the contest was "Outrigger Island", which is also the theme of this year's Vacation Bible School, VBS.

Soo Jin and Miju, who are art majors, helped out a lot.

I appreciate art, but I'm not artistic at all. I think the kids can draw better than me.


  1. looks like fun huh?
    the new princess bride game is
    coming out on June 18th and
    to promote it, they are have a drawing contest where you can when some cool prizes.

  2. Yovia,

    I don't like spam!

  3. im sorry
    its not spam though
    im just trying to promote
    a good game

  4. yovia is me by the way its just not suppose to be my display name
