Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Equipped for Excellence

On April 5, 2008, some of the BSBC Sunday School Teacher's went to the Equipped for Excellence Sunday School and Leaders Training Conference in Riverside.

Some of us met at church and took the church van there. Laura Kim and her husband, Joseph, Jenny, Sharon, James, Jane, Sarah, and I were in attendance.

The conference was better than I expected. I was motivated to do so much more for the church kids while I was listening to the instructors. I wanted to visit the kids and the parents at their homes and give them gifts and all that good stuff. This passion quickly subsided as the days have gone by though. Reality and my work schedule has set in. I'm tired and there's too much work to do as it is.

We had In-N-Out hamburgers for lunch. I lost my lunch ticket, but Jane said she was leaving early so she gave me hers.

I think we all had a good time and learned a lot of useful information. It was a long day though.


  1. It's cool that you were inspired, even if there isn't enough time in reality. I'm quite sure you make a huge difference in many kids' lives just by showing up and leading classes each week.

  2. Portia,

    There are always so many things I want to do, but my passions subside as I have to juggle all my responsibilities and work.

    I hope I have a positive impact on the kids' lives instead of twisting their minds.
