Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day

I hope you all had a happy Valentine's Day. I won't go into all the details again about how I think it's a marketing conspiracy by all the retailers to pilfer from our wallets.

I got Sarah some roses and our usual cake for holidays. I can't believe how much more they increased their prices to exploit this day. They doubled the price of the roses! I couldn't believe the price gouging. Nevertheless, I forked over the cash. They know that men are captives to their business practices. If guys don't pay up and buy the gifts, then their women will kill them.


  1. I can see your point. It's hard not to buckle though, especially if you fear for your life!

  2. Hi David! I hope that didn't read this blog! LOL

    I know what you mean though. Take care! :-)

    So... How do you like LOST so far?

  3. Portia,

    Yeah, instead of this day being about love, it's about buying gifts. Your loved ones will kill you if you don't.


    I think Lost is awesome! I'm totally loving every episode.
