Monday, January 28, 2008

Mr. Pizza Factory

On Saturday, the Sunday School gang had dinner at Mr. Pizza Factory in Ktown. The pizza was delicious, especially their signature dish, the Golden Potato Pizza. That one has their yummy sweet yam in the crust. Everyone seemed to like it. I definitely want to check it out again. The prices are slightly high though.

The waiter took our picture. It's a little blurry. Going clockwise: Hyejin "Grace", Sharon, James, John, Joseph, Jenny, Iris, Woon Sung, Sarah, and Laura.

Afterwards, some of us went to have some Korean tea and Pot Bing Soo.

On Sunday, we had a Sunday School meeting at 9:30 a.m. The new Pastor, James JDSN "Jundosanim", really wants to make some big changes. I think it's good, but it sure is making us spend more time. He made Sarah the Sunday School Director. I'm sure she's the best one for the job, but she's very busy too.


  1. Hey! You a Lost and Battlestar fan as well huh? They are two of my favorite shows. Lost starts in February. Do you know when Battlestar begins? Found a fellow fan... great!

    Take care! :-)

  2. Hey Dave,

    We're starting to have more and more in common with mountain biking, Lost, and Battlestar Galactica. That's cool!

    Battlestar Galactica season 4 will start on April 4, 2008. Hopefully, there won't be any more delays. It looks like it's going to be a really short season though.

  3. Nice lookin group of smiles:) That pizza looks's making me hungry and I just had lunch!

  4. Portia,

    Everyone seemed to be happy. Too bad that their smiles are blurry. The pizza was good especially the one with yam in the crust.

    I think that it's a good idea to make unique pizzas. I thought about making a pizza shop that makes hamburger pizza, taco pizza, and pizza with thinly sliced steak on it. It would be a pizza parlor with dozens of different flavors.

    Don't steal my idea!

  5. Everyone looks like they are having a great time!

  6. Abbagirl,

    Yeah, I think everyone did!
