Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Turkey Day Weekend

On Thanksgiving, Sarah and I went to my sister's house for dinner. Everything was delicious. I overate as usual. Saejin, Ben, Amanda, and Amanda were also there. We played Guitar Hero III and other games too. That was fun.

On Black Friday, we went shopping in the morning. I don't think the deals were that great. I never want to go shopping on Black Friday again because of the long lines at the malls.

We also took Sarah's cousin around L.A. to show her the sights.

Here are some pictures of the canyons in Malibu. This was a day before the fires there. "We didn't start the fire...." Billy Joel.


  1. Sounds like a good holiday! My mom and I had a tradition of shopping on back friday for years when I was younger. You couldn't pay me to go these days, unless she and I were to go once more for time for old times' sake. So those canyons have been transformed now? Crazy. It's kind of cool that you have pictures just hours before.

  2. Portia,

    Black Friday sux. Shopping sux. I'd rather be playing than be buying things.

    I'm not sure if the canyon we were at burned down, but there were a lot of places in Malibu that burned down. There's been a lot of fires there lately because of the dryness of the area, lack of rain, heat, and wind.
